Maximize Your Client Relationships with Personalized SEO Reports Using White Label SEO Reporting

General SEO
7 min read
İsmail Atasoy
Apr 29, 2023

In this article

Are you an agency or freelancer looking for a way to create custom SEO reports for your clients that reflect your brand? Look no further than white label SEO reporting!

White label SEO reporting is a process where you create a report that can be personalized and branded to match your clients' needs. By using this method, you can present the report to your clients as if it was created by your company.

How to create white label SEO report

  1. The first thing you need to do to join the heybooster is to sign-up!
  2. In the second step, click on the Integrations heading on the left and connect the data sources with heybooster.
  1. In the third step, click on Insight Categories and run the Organic Performance (SEO) package. 

  1. That's it! Now you can see important reports on all the details of SEO performance!
metin içeren bir resimAçıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

  1. You can get notifications whenever there is a change in your data! Just set your notifications for the report that you want to know about!
metin, ekran görüntüsü, elektronik donanım içeren bir resimAçıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

What is white label SEO reporting?

So, what exactly is white label SEO reporting, and why should you use it? Let's break it down.

White label SEO reporting is an invaluable tool for agencies and freelancers looking to create custom SEO reports that are professional and branded. It's a cost-effective and time-saving way to create reports that meet the needs of your clients while still maintaining your brand.

Using a white label SEO report allows you to create a report that includes all the necessary data to keep your clients informed about their SEO performance. By customizing the report with your branding, you can strengthen the relationship between you and your clients.

Benefits of creating white label SEO report

Here are some of the benefits of using a white label SEO report:

  1. Customization and Personalization

White label SEO reporting allows you to personalize the report to match your branding. This adds an extra level of personalization that helps to strengthen the relationship between you and your clients.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness

Creating a custom SEO report from scratch can be expensive. With a white label SEO report, you can save time and money by using a pre-designed template that can be customized to fit your needs.

  1. Time-Saving

Instead of spending hours creating an SEO report from scratch, you can use a white label report template to save time and effort. This allows you to focus on more important aspects of your work, such as improving your clients' SEO performance.

  1. Branding

By using a white label SEO report, you can ensure that your branding is consistent across all of your client-facing documents. This creates a more professional and trustworthy image for your company, which can help to attract new clients and retain existing ones.

In summary, white label SEO reporting is an effective way for agencies and freelancers to create custom reports that meet the needs of their clients while also maintaining their branding. By doing so, you can save time, money, and effort, while also improving your client relationships. So why wait? Try white label SEO reporting today and see the benefits for yourself!

How White Label SEO Reporting has Helped Other Agencies and Freelancers

White label SEO reporting has helped many agencies and freelancers improve their reporting processes and provide better insights to their clients. Here are a few examples:

Case 1

Agency A was spending several hours every week preparing SEO reports for their clients. They switched to a white label SEO reporting tool and were able to cut that time down to just a few minutes per report. This allowed them to spend more time analyzing data and providing insights to their clients, resulting in higher client satisfaction rates and more business.

Case 2

Freelancer B was struggling to provide branded SEO reports to their clients. They didn't have the design skills or resources to create professional-looking reports, and they didn't want to spend the money on a traditional SEO reporting tool. They switched to a white label SEO reporting tool and were able to easily add their branding and logos to their reports. This helped them build brand recognition and establish a more professional image with their clients.

Case 3

Agency C was looking for a more cost-effective way to provide SEO reports to their clients. They had been using a traditional SEO reporting tool, but it was expensive and had more features than they needed. They switched to a white label SEO reporting tool and were able to save a significant amount of money while still providing high-quality reports to their clients.

In conclusion, white label SEO reporting offers a range of benefits that can help agencies and freelancers save time and money while still providing high-quality reports to their clients. Whether you're a small agency or a solo freelancer, using a white label SEO reporting tool can help you streamline your reporting processes and improve your overall SEO performance.

What metrics and KPIs should be included in white label SEO report?

There are numerous metrics and KPIs that can be included in a white label SEO report, but the exact ones will depend on the goals of the SEO campaign and the specific needs of the client. However, here are some commonly used metrics and KPIs that can be included in a white label SEO report:

  1. Organic Traffic: This metric measures the number of visitors to a website who found it through organic search results on search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Organic traffic is a crucial KPI in SEO as it helps to measure the effectiveness of the SEO campaign.

By using heybooster, you can find out about the drops in your organic traffic. Let's track organic traffic step by step now!

  1. Keyword Rankings: Keyword rankings are the positions a website ranks for specific keywords on the search engine results page (SERP). Tracking keyword rankings is essential in measuring the success of an SEO campaign.

By using heybooster, you can find keywords improving or decreasing in ranking. Let's do keyword tracking step by step now!

  1. Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR is the number of clicks that a website receives compared to the number of times it has been viewed. It is a critical metric to track as it helps in measuring the effectiveness of your client's SEO efforts in generating clicks.
  2. Bounce Rate: Bounce rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who leave the website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate indicates that the website content is not engaging or relevant to the user's search intent.
  3. Page Load Time: Page load time is the time taken for a web page to load completely. A slow page load time can lead to a high bounce rate, low engagement, and a drop in search engine rankings.
  4. Conversions: Conversions are the number of users who take a desired action on the website, such as filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase. Conversion tracking helps in measuring the effectiveness of your SEO campaign in driving sales and leads.

But of course, these metrics alone will not be enough. You will also need other metrics to analyze your SEO performance. Let's take a look at all the metrics needed for SEO analysis now!


In conclusion, white label SEO reporting is an excellent option for agencies and freelancers to create customized SEO reports for their clients while maintaining their brand. It offers a range of benefits, including personalization, cost-effectiveness, time-saving, and branding.

 By using white label SEO reporting, you can streamline your reporting processes, provide better insights to your clients, and improve your overall SEO performance. 

Additionally, there are several important metrics and KPIs that you should include in your white label SEO report, such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, CTR, bounce rate, page load time, and conversions. 

By tracking these metrics, you can measure the effectiveness of your SEO campaign and make data-driven decisions to improve your clients' SEO performance.

So, join heybooster now and create white label SEO report!


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