How to combine SEO and PPC to boost ROI in marketing?

General SEO
3 min read
Emre Can Kartal
Jun 6, 2023

In this article

The position of your website in organic search results directly influences the click-through rate (CTR) of your PPC campaigns, as confirmed by a research study from Google. And also, it works in reverse!

However, many eCommerce brands often overlook the opportunity to leverage this valuable information to align their SEO and PPC strategies effectively.

Integrating SEO and PPC: A Real-world Example

Let's delve a bit deeper into how SEO and PPC can be integrated for a more powerful marketing approach.

Suppose you're selling handmade leather goods. One of your high-performing PPC keywords could be 'handmade leather wallets.'

However, despite your PPC success, this keyword might be underperforming in organic searches. This is a clear signal to amplify your SEO efforts for 'handmade leather wallets,' enhancing content and metadata related to this keyword on your site.

On the other hand, you may find 'handmade leather belts' performing exceptionally well in organic search, attracting substantial traffic, but your PPC ads targeting this keyword might not be yielding desired conversions.

This could be an indication to refine your ad copy, landing page, or offer related to 'handmade leather belts' to boost PPC performance.

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By monitoring your organic position and optimizing your SEO efforts for these high-converting keywords, you can reduce your reliance on paid advertising and increase your organic visibility.

Investing in SEO alongside your PPC efforts can create a synergistic effect, improving overall performance and leading to a more cost-effective marketing strategy.

Start using heybooster today to view your SEO and PPC keywords alignment.


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