How to Diagnose Organic Traffic Drops

General SEO
11 min read
İsmail Atasoy
Oct 30, 2022

In this article

In the eCommerce scene, where competition is increasing day by day and every step you take can have critical future consequences, it is very important to prove your authority to users and to have a website with high organic traffic performance. This does not mean that the traffic generated through advertisements is inefficient. However, obtaining high organic traffic will create many interrelated effects and will bring you many positive returns.

By increasing your organic traffic, you can ensure that your content is qualified as high quality and suitable for user intent by the Google algorithm. Thus, the algorithm will rank your website higher on the SERP. This not only increases the ranking on the SERP on a regular basis, but also increases the reliability of your website in the eyes of users. Users who are familiar and experienced with Google algorithms know that the reason you organically appear on the SERP is because you have original and high creditability content. Other users, on the other hand, always tend to the sites with the highest rankings when searching on the SERP. So, it is critical for you that the organic traffic coming to your site is increasing regularly and that this increase is controlled.

However, things may not always go the way you want them to. Sudden drops may occur in organic traffic depending on many factors. The important point is to be aware of these drops and to be able to make the right analysis about why this situation is happening. By regularly monitoring Google organic traffic and focusing on necessary improvements, you can prevent sudden drops in website traffic. In this article, we will talk about the reasons for the decrease in organic traffic and the improvements you can make.

5 Reasons Why Your Organic Traffic Is Dropping

Sudden drop in website traffic is definitely annoying when everything is going well and exactly according to your expectations. However, the important point is that this situation is normal and you can be sure that you will have a much stronger SEO strategy and organic traffic in the long run by taking the necessary actions. However, one of the important points can be to ask the question “Why did my organic traffic drop?” instead of panicking right away. In this way, you can more clearly see the parts that you are not performing well enough or are missing. For you, we have compiled some problems that can cause a decrease in the organic traffic of your website. Let's take a look at them!

A Change in Search Intent and Trends

Users want to reach the most relevant result when searching on Google. However, sometimes search intents can change with the influence of the trends and media at the time. As a result, it is very likely that a page that has a high ranking will suddenly drop in organic traffic. That's why your content, which is powered by popular culture, suddenly peaks in organic traffic, and then a sudden drop may occur. For example, a sudden peak in the sales of the products of a popular TV series or movie on Netflix is ​​a situation we constantly encounter. However, after a certain period of time, we can see that the same products are almost never remembered. As a result of this situation, your content may not stand in a strong position on the SERP as it used to be, considering that it does not comply with the search intent by the Google algorithm. However, at this point, of course, users are not considered completely away from the products. With the right analysis of user intent, you can take the right steps.

At this point, it may be useful to analyze user intent and create a successful SEO keyword strategy. Since the topics of interest of users change from time to time and they have different demands from Google, it may be an important move to regularly check whether the keywords you use are in functional condition and to check the keywords with low rankings.

Of course, doing these controls manually by spending a long time in front of the screen will create extra workload for you. You need to do SEO keywords tracking regularly and be aware of those who have declined. At this point, you can use heybooster's SEO Forecasting Tooland improve the situation by quickly taking new steps with Actionable Insights when you don't like your performance. Meet heybooster SEO Forecasting Tool that will help you with many different issues!

Broken or Lost Links

In general, one of the factors that can significantly contribute to your organic traffic and SEO performance is that you provide internal links in your content or that sites with high authority create backlinks to your site. However, these can provide positive returns as well as cause serious decreases in organic performance. For example, the fact that a link that is directed to your website by a highly authoritative site is broken or lost is a reason that can reduce your organic traffic. Even before focusing on the more detailed problems that will cause sudden drops in organic traffic performance, the general answer to the question "Why is my website traffic dropping?" can be problems with external or internal links. So, this may be one of the first things you should check.

Content Quality

When we look at the Google Search statistics, we see that users have made almost 9 million searches on google. In a place where this amount of searches are made and there are millions of different websites, Google's aim is to provide users with the most reliable and accurate information. That's why Google ranks the sites on the search engine according to their quality and originality. There are many different ways to be classified as high-quality content by Google. For example, creating a site that is unique and can respond to users' requests is one of them. However, when the opposite happens, your content and website are considered low quality by Google and this will cause a drop in your organic traffic. Of course, creating content that is copied or doesn't respond to user intent can cause it to qualify as low quality. However, this may not always happen for reasons within your control.

One of the details that is overlooked in this process, where you put a lot of effort into improving your business marketing, is that even though your content is completely original or of high quality, it can be ranked low in Google's ranking. There can be many reasons for this, and your content may have become useless due to some changes in the subject of your content. Another common reason is that your content qualifies as Duplicate Content. Duplicate Content is the name used when a content appears on more than one page. If your content does not provide the expected organic performance, this may be one of the reasons.

But do not worry! heybooster is here to help you with this as well. Thanks to heybooster's actionable insights, you can regularly check for duplicate content and easily avoid organic traffic drop caused by this. Moreover, heybooster doesn't just provide one-time reports, it sends you daily, weekly and monthly alerts, keeping you constantly up to date. So instead of having to deal with these adjustments manually, you let heybooster handle everything completely automatically.

How would you like to learn more about duplicate content and meet heybooster?

Google Algorithm Change

Google regularly changes its algorithms to provide the best experience for users and to deliver the content that best fits their search intent. These changes may be minor changes that do not affect your ranking on the SERP, or they may change your entire ranking. If your website and content cannot meet the expectations of the new algorithms, it is very normal to experience a drop in the ranking on the SERP. This directly causes your website organic traffic to drop. However, this decline may not always be permanent. Google does small experimental studies from time to time, and your ranking on the SERP may decrease at these times. But don't worry, the declines caused by this reason are usually short-lived and you will return to your old rankings quickly.

In order to respond correctly to the expectations of the algorithms from your website, it can be very useful for you to make a detailed analysis to check whether your website is suitable for the algorithm and to make a plan about the changes you can make. Thus, the algorithm change cannot seriously affect your overall SEO and organic traffic performance.

Technical Problems

Providing a better experience to users and increasing the overall operational performance of your site is of course a strategy that will take you forward by constantly trying to make technical improvements in a regular effort. However, all these technical changes bring along a structure that requires you to constantly optimize and check regularly. In addition to these, there may be dozens of other technical problems. Some of these may be due to low site speed, problems with data integrity, or the page not being Indexed.

Experiencing these and similar problems causes sudden drops in website traffic, and you can try to check the optimization of the technical parts before doing very deep detailed analysis. Thus, you can find the reason for the sudden decrease and take action quickly.    

What are The Effects of Keywords Performance Tracking Insights on Organic Traffic        

It is an important strategy that will allow you to take firm steps to follow how the keywords you create by analyzing the search intents of the users perform over time. By doing SEO keyword tracking regularly, you can have an idea about the changes in users' search intents, and you can reach the desired performance level with small changes you will make.

Of course you need a fully automated and fast assistant to do these tracking, namely heybooster! heybooster provides you with actionable insights and a detailed analysis of the changes in keywords and presents it to you. For example, with the “Which keywords you won or lost?” insight, you can see the keywords that you are performing well or underperforming and focus on these missing points. Moreover, it will be easier for you to improve the bad performing keywords as the strategies you apply in keywords that perform well will set an example for you.

Moreover, thanks to heybooster's "keywords position changes" insight, you can get a regular follow-up and clearly see the changes over time. In this way, you can focus on the causes of changes over time and create future goals. If there is a keyword that is falling regularly, you can act quickly and make the necessary improvments. And the most important part is that with heybooster, you can not only get one-time reports, but also take action quickly by alerting you when there is any change in the performance of the keywords by setting up an alert as you wish. Thanks to these alerts, instead of constantly tracking SEO keyword performance, you can get fully automatic and fast alerts by leaving the work to heybooster.

heybooster can also be used as a very effective SEO keyword tracking tool that allows you to analyze your performance in keywords like these and these. Thus, you will both increase your SEO performance and indirectly take action to prevent sudden decreases in traffic to your website.            

How to Get an Organic Traffic Drop Report

With heybooster, it takes only a few steps and is very easy to get a report on whether there is a decrease in organic traffic to your site. Let's see what these steps are!

  1. The first thing you need to do is to register to let heybooster present everything to you fully automatically
  2. Secondly, connect the heybooster with the necessary data sources by clicking on the Integrations title from the left side menu

3.   Then click on the Insight Categories title from the left side menu and run the Organic Performance (SEO) package.

4.   Select the Detail of the change in organic traffic option from the page that opens.

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5.   And that's how easy it is to check your organic traffic and get the report with this heybooster!

Here, meet heybooster for all these features and more!


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