SEO reports & insightsin seconds!

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SEO KPI Report

See your organic traffic metrics: clicks, impressions, ranking, sessions, and goal completions.

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SEO Keyword Report

Find out your keywords that drive traffic and get a list of their changes.

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Keyword Ranking Report

Find out your keywords that drive traffic and get their positions' changes.

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Best Performing Content

Get the top 100 new ranking keywords for your website.

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Monthly SEO Report

Compare your organic traffic to previous months and last year's.

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Weekly SEO Report

Track your organic traffic weekly and compare it to the previous year's performance.

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Landing Page SEO Report

Check the performance of the pages that generate organic traffic.

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SEO Visibility Report

Check the calculated upper and lower expectation values for your organic impression.

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Duplicated Content Report

Find duplicate titles that harm your organic performance.

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Keyword Ranking Drop

Identify where your website falls behind in keywords and improve your rankings.

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Rising Organic Keyword Rankings

Discover keywords where your website is making progress and improve your rankings further.

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Non-branded Keywords Visibility

Identify the keywords that are driving traffic to your website without mentioning your brand or site name.

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Opportunity Keywords

Uncover high-volume content on the second page of search results.

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New Ranking Keywords

Get the list of the top 100 new ranking keywords for your website.

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Move into the top 10 Keywords

Track the performance of your website's keywords that have ranked on the first page of search results.

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Keywords No Longer Ranked

Find your keywords are no longer ranking.

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These are our blog posts about SEO reports & insights 🙌
6 min read

Track Your SEO Performance with an SEO Dashboard: Key Metrics to Monitor

By creating an SEO dashboard, you can analyze performance on a monthly and weekly basis. Find out all the details about the SEO dashboard now!
7 min read

Improving SEO Visibility: Insights and Strategies

You need many different metrics to increase your SEO visibility. You can create different strategies using these metrics. Let's take a look at the details!
5 min read

Steal Your Clients’ Hearts with Automated SEO Reports

Automated SEO reports provide insight into your SEO KPIs every month and help impress your customers with simple organization and detail.
8 min read

How to Fix Duplicate Content Problem In eCommerce SEO?

After putting a lot of effort into improving your website's content creation and SEO performance, trying to get good performance with regular monitoring of your data is probably a strategy that everyone implements. However, another point you should pay attention to here is Google's algorithm systems.
8 min read

Organic Performance Of Non-Branded Keywords

It is important to know how far you stand out in the eCommerce space, where there is a constantly competitive atmosphere, and what are the parts that contribute to that visibility. While there are many different factors for you to know your competitive position and act accordingly, one of them is your non-branded keywords performance.


More About  SEO Reports With Insights

What are SEO reports and insights what does it do for you?

SEO reports & insights is basically an overall look at the organic performance of a website. SEO reports help you track and understand your keyword rankings, top-performing pages, organic traffic drops, etc.

How to get an SEO report?

To originate your SEO reports & insights you can sign up to heybooster with a few clicks. Then, you can connect your data sources and get SEO reports & insights.

Why getting automated SEO reports & insights are game-changing?

If you are providing yourself or your clients with monthly SEO reports, you have to commute your time and energy to summarize the monthly SEO performance. By getting automated SEO reports, you’ll save time and get to-the-point insights.

How often should I be reviewing my SEO reports and insights?

It's advised to evaluate your insights frequently (e.g., weekly, or monthly) to spot changes in traffic or rankings in order to keep on top of your website's SEO performance. Also, if you often upload new material or if significant algorithm changes take place, more frequent analyses can be required. 

Reviewing your insights is crucial whenever there are substantial changes in your business. Last but not least, keeping up with SEO reports and insights is significant for optimizing your website and drawing in the correct audience.

What kind of outcomes can I gain from SEO reports and insights?

You can get data about keywords, traffic, backlinks, user interaction, and technical issues by using SEO insights. But of course, it is not limited to them. They are just a few examples of the useful information that SEO reports and insights may offer. You may utilize this information to boost the user experience and search engine optimization of your website, which will increase targeted visitors and improve search engine results. 

How can I use SEO reports and insights to optimize my website's content?

 You may quickly optimize the content of your website by employing SEO reports and insights. These actions involve locating popular search terms and subjects, researching the content of your competitors, and producing informative, interesting content that responds to those searches. You may raise your website's search engine ranks and increase traffic by regularly checking its performance and making necessary improvements.   

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when using SEO reports and insights?

Indeed, there are several frequent mistakes that should be avoided when applying SEO reports and insights, such as overly concentrating on keyword density, disregarding user experience, and relying excessively on generic or irrelevant phrases. It's crucial to emphasize producing high-quality, user-focused content that is in line with your overall company objectives while also using SEO findings as a guide.