Track Your SEO Performance with an SEO Dashboard: Key Metrics to Monitor

General SEO
6 min read
İsmail Atasoy
Mar 18, 2023

In this article

More than 90% of online experiences start with a search engine. This means that being visible on the SERP is the best way to attract your target audience. So, if you're selling customized t-shirts, aside from advertising, you need to be visible when users are searching for customized t-shirts on search engines. 

That's why SEO has played a crucial role in the past, present, and probably the future. However, SEO is undoubtedly a long journey full of challenges, and it's nearly impossible to go through it alone. That's why you need a companion who can guide you and help you create new strategies.

 An SEO dashboard can be very useful in showing you the distance you have covered on your journey and analyzing your performance.

What is an SEO dashboard?

An SEO dashboard is a structure that provides outputs about metrics that allow you to track your SEO performance. With an SEO dashboard, you can gain insights into essential points such as organic traffic, user interaction, and keyword ranking on your website.

 A typical SEO dashboard collects data from sources such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console, then presents the data in an easy-to-use format with tables, graphs, and charts for all types of users. 

However, not all SEO dashboards have the same structure. Some may be too complicated for beginners who want to perform a basic tracking. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the right SEO dashboard.

What are the benefits of an SEO dashboard? 

Monitor website traffic and performance

With an SEO dashboard, you can find insights into how users interact with your website. Important metrics such as bounce rate and conversion rate can help you find areas of improvement. By seeing these metrics in your SEO dashboard, you can better understand your visitors. 

Moreover, you can see how successful your improvements are through your SEO dashboard.

Track keyword rankings

To improve your website's ranking, it is crucial to place a strong emphasis on the importance of your keyword ranking. One effective method for achieving this is by performing a thorough analysis of your website's keyword ranking and identifying opportunities for improvement.

 By reviewing a report of your website's keyword ranking, you can make the necessary adjustments and optimizations to your keyword usage. An SEO dashboard can provide you with this analysis.

Create new strategies

An SEO dashboard can be a helpful companion in showing you where you made mistakes in your SEO journey. For example, you can use your SEO dashboard to analyze whether the technical optimizations you made to your website in previous months were successful.

 Also, you can find out if changes in your content strategy have led to an increase in impressions and click-through rates. To make these critical evaluations, you need an SEO dashboard that can provide you with reports from the past.

Save your time

An SEO dashboard shows all the metrics that will help you create strategies for your business goals in one place. You don't need to track individual metrics. Plus, heybooster automatically tracks all metrics for you. If there is any anomaly in the data, it sends you an instant notification. So, you never lose control.

Now, join heybooster and create your SEO dashboard!

What should an SEO dashboard include

Of course, depending on your business goal, the metrics you want to see on the SEO dashboard will also vary. Let's talk about a few key points that are used the most though!

Organic Impression

Organic Impressions refer to how often users view your website or a particular page on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). By tracking your Organic Impressions, you can determine the potential size of your audience. However, simply having this data is not enough to work miracles.

 If you are unhappy with your SEO performance, it may be because you are not reaching enough people. If your products and content are not visible on the SERP, people may not be able to find you, preventing you from reaching your target audience. 

This is why it's crucial to track your visibility network and the number of people you can reach. If your Organic Impression number is low, you can use heybooster to learn strategies to improve your visibility and take action to address any issues.

Keyword Performance

Google Algorithm rewards the right strategy which establishes your website's authority on the SERP. By gaining authority, you can benefit in various ways such as building brand awareness and credibility, which are closely linked to your keyword ranking performance. 

Users prefer websites that are organically ranked on the SERP, making it crucial to maintain visibility. Additionally, monitoring your keyword rankings can help identify areas for improvement, track keyword trends, and develop a better content strategy. 

You can create new content to improve your visibility for keywords that have high rankings, which can increase user engagement and drive more traffic to your website. Also you can detect keywords decreasing in ranking and find a solution to the problem. 


The conversion rate is a measure of the percentage of visitors who have completed a specific action on your website. To calculate the conversion rate, divide the number of visitors who completed the desired action by the total number of visitors and multiply by 100.

Regularly monitoring the conversion rate helps you understand how effectively you're engaging visitors on your site. If your conversion rate is low, it may indicate that you're not meeting the needs or expectations of your visitors. Conversely, if your conversion rate is high, it means you're doing a good job of attracting valuable users.

With heybooster, you can quickly access data on your conversion rate and determine the value of your user base. If your conversion rate needs improvement, heybooster's "How to Improve '' option can help you identify areas for enhancement.

Organic clicks

A click refers to the number of clicks on links that lead directly to your website or a product/content page. For instance, even if your website has gained visibility and authority on the SERP, a low click rate can indicate a problem

It could also mean that the internal links you provide to users on a page promoting your products or content are not interesting enough to attract users. In such cases, you can try different methods to improve the situation.

 Luckily, heybooster provides you with the necessary information to make quick decisions on how to improve the number of organic clicks where you do not get the desired performance.

Final thoughts

SEO has always been important, and it will remain so in the future as well. However, implementing SEO strategies can be challenging, and it requires a knowledgeable and experienced partner to guide you. 

An SEO dashboard can help you track and analyze your website's performance, traffic, keyword ranking, and user interaction. It can also assist in creating new strategies and saving time by providing a single platform to monitor all the metrics

 A good SEO dashboard must be selected based on your specific needs and business goals.

Therefore, heybooster may be exactly what you're looking for. You can create your SEO dashboard with heybooster. Moreover, you can receive instant notification when there is any anomaly in the data.

Join heybooster now!


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