5 Best Practices for Improving Your Website's Visibility and Avoiding Keyword Ranking Drops

İsmail Atasoy
Apr 29, 2023

In this article

Are you struggling with your website's SEO and want to know how to detect position loss in keywords rankings? Look no further! In this article, we'll explore the critical factors that affect position changes in keywords and provide you with five best practices to improve your website's visibility.

Plus, we'll show you why identifying decreased keyword positions is crucial for your SEO performance. So, whether you're a seasoned SEO expert or a beginner, keep reading to learn valuable insights and strategies to boost your website's SEO performance.

How to detect keywords ranking drop

Let's take a look at how you can get your SEO keyword ranking report with heybooster right away!

  1. The first thing you need to do to join heybooster is to sign-up.
  2. In the second step, click on the Integrations heading on the left and connect the data sources with heybooster.
  1. In the third step, click on Insight Categories and run the Organic Performance (SEO) package. 
  1. Then, click on Keywords Declined in Ranking insight.
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  1. That's it! Your SEO keyword rankings report is now ready. Plus, by clicking on the Set a Notification option, you can receive daily, weekly, and monthly notifications about changes.

Factors impacting keyword position changes

There are many different factors that affect position changes in keywords. Let's take a look at the most critical of them!

Algorithm Updates

Google loves to make changes in search algorithms. When they update, you might experience a temporary loss of visibility for certain keywords. However, this is not a big deal for most of the time! If the algorithm change isn't too significant, your keywords will usually return to their previous position. 

What to do

To make sure your content stays compatible with algorithm updates, keep a close eye on them and adjust when necessary.

User Intent

Search engines are all about pleasing their users. So, if your content doesn't align with their search intent, you might as well be shouting into the void. That's why analyzing user intent correctly is essential.

What to do

By updating your website content to meet user needs, you'll be well on your way to success. And don't forget to balance those pain points with creative solutions!

Technical Issues

Technical issues like slow loading times, broken links, or duplicate content can seriously harm your website's SEO health. And that's a problem for both users and search engines. 

What to do

It is critical to perform regular technical analyses. heybooster can help you optimize your technical SEO and eliminate any potential technical problems.


High competition can be a real downer. If you're up against competitors with better content quality and other factors, it can negatively impact your keyword position. Sometimes, your competitors can even push your website out of the ranking for specific keywords. 

What to do

If your website doesn't have high authority on the SERP, focus on keywords with lower competition. This will help you establish authority on less competitive keywords.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is like wearing too much cologne. It's obvious, it's annoying, and it's not fooling anyone.  Keyword stuffing can harm search engine rankings because search engines can detect this tactic more effectively. In other words, your website may lose position due to keyword stuffing and your visibility may decrease.

What to do

So, avoid overusing keywords and create content that's natural and matches user intent. Because it is important that the keywords you use are natural and that your content is useful, as well as the use of keywords.

In conclusion, by staying up to date on algorithm updates, prioritizing user intent, optimizing technical SEO, and avoiding keyword stuffing, you'll be a master of SEO in no time.

5 Best practices to improve your visibility

  1. Analyze your website 

You can start with a complete analysis of your website. Are your images optimized? Is your page speed fast? What about the user friendliness of the URLs? Optimizing these issues can make a big difference in your website's overall performance.

  1. On-Page SEO 

On-page elements like title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags should be clear. These elements can make your website more appealing to users. This will increase the number of clicks as well as the impression. This allows algorithms to rank your website higher. It is also crucial to include relevant keywords to help search engines understand what your website is about.

  1. Improve Technical SEO 

Address technical issues that impact user experience and keyword ranking such as page speed or broken links. A website that is slow or has broken links can harm your website's SEO health and negatively affect user experience. Conduct regular technical analysis to identify and fix any issues.

  1. Update Your Content 

Keep your content fresh, relevant, and well-organized to provide a pleasant user experience. This includes updating old content, publishing new content on a regular basis, and optimizing your content for relevant keywords. Well-organized content is also easier for users to navigate and understand.

  1. Monitor Your Progress

Use heybooster to track performance and make necessary adjustments over time. This includes tracking your keyword rankings, monitoring your website's traffic, and analyzing user behavior. By regularly monitoring your website's performance, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Here is a checklist for you!

Why identifying decreased keyword positions is crucial

When it comes to SEO, identifying decreased keyword positions is like keeping an eye on your weight. It's not always fun, but it's necessary. Here are some reasons why:

When it comes to SEO, if your keywords are losing visibility on Google, it's critical to be aware of the situation. So why?

• Impact on organic traffic

Assume that every ten steps you are trying to climb a mountain with all your strength, your foot slips and you reverse down. This is exactly what the loss of position in keywords is. If you constantly lose position, your organic traffic will not increase as you expect.

When a website ranks high for a keyword, it gets more organic traffic from search engines. But if the ranking for a particular keyword decreases, it can lead to a significant drop in traffic. And that's not something anyone wants.

• Evaluate you SEO performance

Tracking the position changes of your keywords compared to previous weeks and months helps you understand your SEO performance. And tracking the position of your keywords over time can give you insights into your website's overall SEO performance. By using these insights you can optimize your content and improve your website's overall SEO performance. 

• Stay Ahead of Competition

Remember SEO is a long-term race for everyone. And identifying the keywords whose position has decreased can help you stay ahead of your competitors. If you notice that one of your competitors is ranking higher for a particular keyword, you can take action to improve your content and outrank them. It's like a game of chess, but with websites.

• Identify Technical Issues

If you have lost position due to a problem in the technical health of your website, it is very critical to prevent this situation.

If your website experiences a slow page load time or broken links, it can negatively impact your keyword rankings. But by identifying the keywords whose position has decreased, you can investigate any potential technical issues and fix them. 

In this way, you prevent the emergence of other problems that will adversely affect your overall SEO performance.

• Prioritize Your SEO Efforts

 By tracking your keywords' position over time, you can prioritize your SEO efforts and focus on the keywords that are underperforming. This approach can help you allocate your time and resources more efficiently and achieve better results in improving your website's SEO performance. It's like being your own boss and making smart decisions.

• Improve User Experience

The main purpose of SEO is to satisfy both the search engine algorithm and your users. If the user experience is bad, it will negatively affect your SEO performance at the end of the day.

Identifying the keywords whose position has decreased can help you improve your website's user experience. If your website's content is not relevant to your target audience, it can lead to a decrease in keyword rankings.

 By understanding which keywords are not performing well, you can create more relevant and engaging content that resonates with your target audience and improves your website's user experience. It is like being a pain killer for the target audience.

• Track Your SEO Progress

Finally, tracking the position of your keywords over time can help you monitor your SEO progress and measure the effectiveness of your SEO strategies. By regularly monitoring your keyword rankings, you can identify any improvements or declines in your SEO performance and make adjustments as necessary to achieve better results.


In conclusion, there are many different factors that can impact your website's keyword position, including algorithm updates, user intent, technical issues, competition, and keyword stuffing. 

By understanding these factors and implementing best practices like analyzing your website, optimizing on-page and technical SEO, updating your content, and monitoring your progress, you can improve your website's SEO performance and stay ahead of the competition. 

Additionally, identifying decreased keyword positions is crucial for evaluating your SEO performance, improving user experience, and prioritizing your SEO efforts.

By taking a data-driven approach and regularly monitoring your website's keyword rankings, you can make informed decisions and achieve better results over time.

Now, join heybooster and get your keywords ranking report!


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