How to Optimize Your eCommerce Website’s SEO Performance

On-page SEO
9 min read
Bengü Demirtaş
Nov 4, 2022

In this article

If you are an eCommerce business owner, SEO must be somewhere between an annoying buzzword and something you need to conquer immediately. Whichever it may be, a better SEO performance does considerable good for any eCommerce website. To ensure that your website appears to as many potential customers as possible, we have compiled a list of 13 things you should try to optimize your website’s SEO performance.

Track Your Organic Traffic

One of the most efficient ways of improving the SEO performance of your eCommerce business is to focus on your weak points. Tracking your organic traffic is the easiest way to figure out how your current SEO strategy is performing.

An increase in organic impressions means that your content is doing quite well to bring new visitors to your eCommerce website. However, if you observe a dip in your organic traffic, it may be time to review your keywords and overall content quality.

Why are you experiencing organic traffic drops? The answer will come from a thorough yet simple analysis of your organic sessions and the user experience on your website. Using a KPI monitoring tool like heybooster will make your job infinitely easier when tracking organic traffic drops.

To be notified immediately of any sudden changes in your organic traffic sign up for heybooster!

Benefit from Blogging

Among the unfathomable mass of content available to users on search engines, it may seem difficult to rise up. However, you should never underestimate the power of quality content.

By writing accurate, original and high-quality content that appeals to your customers, you can rise up through the ranks much more easily. This is why blogging is a great method for developing a strong SEO strategy.

By consistently creating content on your blog, you can attract more organic traffic to your pages. Start creating content related to your products and the needs of your customers by incorporating your keywords into your text.

  1. Make sure you are not creating duplicates. This is where originality comes into play. Make sure you are creating your own unique pieces with a specific voice and style. If your content shows up on two different web pages or if it is too similar or identical to content elsewhere, it will not help you improve your SERP rankings. If you are not sure whether your content is a duplicate, heybooster can check for you across the web!
  2. Be mindful of the needs of your customers. It is crucial that your content is helpful and accurate. Aim to help or inform your customers through the content on your blog. Satisfy the expectations of your visitors through delivering on the premises of your titles. Show your expertise by presenting in-depth knowledge about the needs of your customers.

Optimize Your Product Pages

The star of the show should always be your product. And the display case of your eCommerce store is, of course, your product page. Blow the dust off your display case by looking over your product pages carefully.

This means writing out detailed product descriptions, finding or creating accurate high-resolution product images, and showcasing authentic user reviews.

  1. Product Descriptions: For better product descriptions, incorporate your keywords and come up with enticing CTAs. Focus on the benefits your product offers to your customers when writing your descriptions. Ensure that your product descriptions are scan-friendly, in other words, effective even at a  quick glance.
  2. Images: Texts can get boring quickly. So make sure you have some eye candy in the form of high-resolution product images. Avoid using too many to prevent distractions. Put ALT texts on your images. This is not only great for SEO but also improves the accessibility of your website.
  3. Reviews: What will make you more trustworthy in the eyes of your visitors are positive product reviews from real customers. Putting up product reviews will be immensely helpful in increasing your conversion rates. Try and encourage your customers to leave product reviews upon their purchase.

Keep Your Eyes Open for Changes in Keyword Rankings

The keyword ranking scene can be wild. We know it can be tiring so the best thing to do would be to monitor the chaos with a calm demeanor. With changing trends and the ever-changing elements of popular culture, keywords can increase and decrease in ranking over time.

Track the changes in keyword rankings to steer your SEO strategy more strategically. This way you can create content using keywords improving in ranking over time and driving more traffic with better-optimized SEO content.

Keeping up with the times can be difficult amid all the meetings and assignments. You may need a watchman to guide you through all the confusion. Instead of wasting time and effort checking rankings manually across search engines, use heybooster’s SEO Forecasting Tool to see the future trends and tendencies of your customers.

Don’t Forget to Track Your Google Ads Keywords

While you are in the business of tracking keywords, make sure you also look out for Google Ads keyword rankings too. Look for top performing ads keywords but don’t forget to think of your competition and the relevant search volumes for your chosen keyword list.

Since you will be spending money on your ads, it's especially important that you track Google Ads keywords to achieve the highest return on investment.

Find the Best Non-Branded Keywords for Your Business

Non-branded keywords are the keywords in which brand names do not appear. Ideally, you would be ranking high in non-branded keywords so that you can reach customers that do not necessarily know about your product yet.

To find the best non-branded keywords for your business, check out our previous blog post: Organic Performance of Non-Branded Keywords

Discover Your First-Page Keywords

When was the last time you clicked on the second page of the search results on a search engine? Although there are multiple studies on click rate comparison between first and later pages of search results, it seems at least 71% of users end up clicking on one of the first page results without seeing the second page.

This means that appearing on the first page is crucial for increasing organic traffic. First-page keywords will move you up within the search results, hopefully to the first page.

Have you done your keyword research yet?

To be notified of sudden changes in keyword rankings and track your first-page keywords accurately, sign up to heybooster!

To learn more about first-page keywords, click.

Speed Up Your Website

The speed of your website is probably much more important for your SEO than you think it is. Even a one-second decrease in your website speed could be deadly for your SEO rankings.

Did you know that more than half of your visitors are likely to leave your mobile site if the loading takes more than 3 seconds?

What’s more, a delay in loading time will affect your conversions pretty badly too. According to Walmart, for every 1 second less loading time, there is a 2% increase in conversions. This means that you must do your absolute best to make sure your speed is the best it can be.

Among what you can do to increase your website’s speed are: minimizing HTTP requests, picking an appropriate hosting option, enabling compression, and minimizing server response time. Once you have decided on your course of action, heybooster will track the improvements in your page load time as well your conversion rates.

Keep an Eye on Your SEO ROI

If you have already taken or are planning to take some of the steps above, it would be smart to start tracking the return on SEO strategy as early as possible.

Accurate tracking of your SEO process will provide you with consistency. It will help you save time by laying out the weak points in your SEO strategy that leads to failures. It will save you money by stopping you from making the same mistakes twice.

To track your SEO ROI, you should be monitoring the right KPIs related to your SEO performance over time. You should look closely into:

  1. click-through rate
  2. organic search traffic
  3. bounce rates
  4. keyword rankings

Implement a Sitemap

You definitely want to look into the technical side of SEO for an all-around optimization process. But don’t be scared! Implementing a sitemap means providing search engines with a guide through your website to allow them to crawl your website.

  1. Create an XML sitemap. Basically, you need a file on your website that tells search engines how to crawl your website. Essentially, this serves as a blueprint for crawlers and makes it easier for search engines to index your website.
  2. Create a txt file: You can stop search engines from crawling certain pages of your website through txt files. You should use txt files to prevent your site from slowing down due to crawlers.

Use Structured Data

Using structured data will allow you to show that your pages are product pages on search engines. This way, users who are looking for a specific product can see your products more easily. Your structured data should include:

  1. product name
  2. price
  3. rating
  4. stock information

Make Your Website Easier to Navigate

Even search engine crawlers can sometimes get lost 🙂 Improving the navigability of your website will render it easier for search engines to crawl your pages.

For this, you should make sure that all your pages are available to click through the categories and sub-categories in your main menu. You can also bring forth the popular categories of your website.

If you have a best-selling product, go ahead and put it in the forefront. This way, crawlers know what you are famous for! Prioritizing your most important content will also prevent you from competing with yourself.

If you tell search engines your most important pages, your less important pages will not be overshadowing the others. So, make sure you have your priorities straight.

Make sure your pages are up to date. Remove pages that you are not planning to use anymore to avoid cluttering. Then, link your existing pages according to the categories and sub-categories they belong to.

Optimize Your Meta Tags

Meta tags include your title and a short description that appear as a search result on search engines. Naturally, the best thing to do would be to optimize them to the best of your abilities for better SEO performance.

Title Tag:

  1. Make sure it contains the main keyword of your webpage.
  2. Your main keyword should be at the beginning of the title.
  3. Write less than 60 characters with spaces.
  4. Avoid repetition

Description Tag:

  1. Write less than 160 characters.
  2. Make an accurate summary of your content.
  3. Include your main keyword and consider search intent.
  4. Try to be unique and direct to the point.


The most important part of the journey of your eCommerce website to a better SEO performance is consistency. It may be a good idea to start from your weak points and move towards smart improvements while simultaneously keeping track of your progress. Don’t worry, with a friend like heybooster, improving your SEO performance will be as easy as taking a breath.
Sign up now and start your journey! 🚀


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