Understanding GA4: Upcoming heybooster Insights

2 min read
Neslihan Emikoglu
Jun 26, 2022

In this article

A complex and new data set is completely changing the way we looked at Google Analytics. It gives a more detailed analysis but only if you work on the reports, connect to Big Query and create queries that repeat daily.

Here are the three quick insights to help you to understand Google Analytics 4 without any extra effort;

1. Which traffic source brought you new customers?

The strategy to drive traffic and turn these users into customers is different that's why Google Analytics 4 is also divided into two different data types but it makes it harder to track the performance.
heybooster will summarize which channel you got more new user and which one drive more revenue.

2. Get your campaign’s cost and their return on investment (ROI & ROAS)

In Google Analytics we were able to track campaign ROAS in the reports however in new Google Analytics you should blend the data from various sources and calculate it in different reporting screens.
heybooster campaign ROAS insights prepare and track the ROAS report and detect the changes in ROAS and list the campaigns that causes it to decrease.

3. Find out the which traffic channel has a better conversion rate

Although everyone is familiar with conversion rates, in Google Analytics 4 you cannot find them directly on the reports. Therefore, we prioritize these insights so you can figure out which channels have better conversion rates, and so you can increase traffic from them.

If you would like to be the beta user for Google Analytics 4, join us in making Google analytics 4 insightful.


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