Looker vs. Tableau: A Comprehensive Comparison for Efficient Business Analysis

5 min read
İsmail Atasoy
Mar 24, 2023

In this article

If you are struggling to decide between Looker vs. Tableau, don't worry, we're here to help you pick the best option. Choosing the right data analysis tool for efficient business analysis can be daunting, as there are several factors to consider. In this post, we will compare Looker and Tableau to help you decide which one is the right fit for your business.

Data Storage

Looker and Tableau deal with data differently. Let's take a look:


Looker doesn't store data on its server. Instead, it connects directly to your data sources and transforms data on the fly. This enables faster data access and real-time analytics. However, it might take longer to generate reports and dashboards since Looker fetches data in real-time.


Tableau, on the other hand, stores your data on its server, allowing for faster data access and shorter loading times. This can be beneficial for users who want quick access to their data, but it can also be a disadvantage if your data requires a lot of processing power.


The functionality of the two tools differs based on the type of reports and insights you're after. Let's take a closer look:


Looker offers a wide range of connectors, allowing you to extract data from various platforms. It also provides a powerful modeling layer that allows you to manipulate data in a user-friendly way. This is especially beneficial if you have a team of data analysts with SQL expertise.


Tableau offers a wide range of data connectors, similar to Looker. However, its drag-and-drop interface makes it more user-friendly for non-technical users. It also offers advanced features like data blending and real-time analytics.


Both Looker and Tableau provide users with powerful insights into their data, but there are some differences.


Looker allows for real-time data analysis, giving users accurate and up-to-date insights into their business. Its modeling layer also allows for better data manipulation, which can lead to more accurate insights.


Tableau provides users with interactive visualizations and a range of analytics tools, which can help you make data-driven decisions. However, users have reported occasional errors and glitches in its calculations, which can affect the accuracy of the insights.

User Experience and Learning Curve

When it comes to user experience and ease of use, Looker and Tableau offer slightly different experiences. Depending on your requirements, you may prefer one over the other.


Looker is known for its simple, intuitive user interface. Users have reported that Looker is easy to use and has a shallow learning curve. The platform is highly customizable and offers various visualization options, allowing users to create visually appealing reports and dashboards quickly. Looker also has pre-built templates that can be useful when creating reports.

However, this simplicity and ease of use can come at a cost, as some users have reported that Looker has limited customization options. If you require more in-depth reporting or customization options, Looker may not be the best fit for you.


Tableau has a steeper learning curve than Looker, and the interface may take some time to get used to. However, once you become familiar with the tool, it offers extensive customization options, allowing you to create highly detailed reports and dashboards. Tableau also offers more advanced visualization options, making it an excellent choice for complex data analysis.


Pricing is an important consideration when choosing between Looker and Tableau, as the two tools have different pricing models.


Looker uses a per-user, per-month pricing model, with different pricing tiers based on the number of users and features required. This can make Looker a more expensive option for larger organizations with many users.


Tableau offers both a per-user, per-month pricing model and a perpetual license option. The perpetual license is a one-time fee that allows you to use the software indefinitely, whereas the per-user pricing model is a recurring fee. This can make Tableau a more cost-effective option for organizations with a large user base or long-term use cases.

Final Comparison


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Anomaly alerts

Heybooster offers anomaly alerts that monitor changes in eCommerce data and alert you immediately if there are significant differences. This way, you can concentrate on improving shortcomings and maintaining advantages, rather than spending time identifying the issues. For instance, if the bounce rate suddenly rises, heybooster will alert you about the anomaly so that you can quickly address the issue.

Automated Reporting

The automated reporting system of heybooster saves a lot of time and energy, eliminating the need to refresh and manually generate reports. The system prioritizes reports based on your business needs and the urgency of improvements required. Heybooster can easily integrate all your sources with a single click and compile all the data into weekly reports, providing prioritized insights and recommendations on how to improve your numbers.

By automating the reporting process, you can focus on improving your business strategy without worrying about generating accurate reports or managing large amounts of data from multiple sources. Heybooster takes care of the reporting and generating insights, allowing you to develop an effective marketing strategy quickly.

Fast processing time

Heybooster provides a solution to the problem of long loading and processing times by offering fast loading speeds and easy access to your data. With heybooster, you can quickly review your data analysis reports and save valuable time.

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