How Excluding Unrelated Places in Your Google GDN Campaigns Increase Conversions?

İsmail Atasoy
Feb 17, 2023

In this article

Are you tired of throwing your advertising budget down the drain by showing your ads to people who couldn't care less about your product or service? Well, fret no more, because the Google Display Network (GDN) has got your back.

GDN is like Cupid's arrow in the world of eCommerce. But, as with all things in life, not all ad placements are created equal. That's why it's crucial to exclude irrelevant ad placements to ensure that your ads are only shown to people who are actually interested in what you're offering.

So, now it is time to learn the details!

What is the GDN campaign?

Google Display Network is a component of Google Ads platform. By using GDN you can show your advertisements to the users. It allows you to target your audience by selecting demographics, interest, and user behaviours. Also, by using GDN you can use different types of ads such as interactive, video and picture advertisements.

Another advantage of Google Display Network is that you are charged only when a visitor clicks on your advertisement.

How does GDN work?

Google Display Network can be very useful with the opportunities it offers for those who want to be successful in the eCommerce world.

The advantage we should mention first is that you can reach more users thanks to placement exclusion google ads than you can reach with organic SEO. In other words, google ads placement targeting has a critical role in terms of both increasing brand awareness and boosting traffic to your website.

Another highlight of google ads placement targeting is that it allows you to show your ads to users with different targeting options. Thanks to three different name targeting types, demographics, interests, and contextual targeting, you can find the most suitable type for you and ensure your best advertising performance.

At the same time, you can test the most suitable one for the dynamics of your industry by using different ad styles. For example, different types such as display ads, video ads, and interactive ads give you the opportunity to attract the attention of users by using your creativity.

In conclusion, placement exclusion in Google Ads is a very good method to reach thousands of users in the most creative and creative way. Thanks to Google Display Network, you can promote your brand to thousands of users in the most accurate way.

How does audience targeting work in GDN

You may display your advertising according to certain places, such as a city, district, or region, thanks to geographic targeting. Geographic targeting in PPC advertising allows you to exclusively advertise to people in a certain area.

Geographic targeting, for instance, can make it extremely simple for you to reach your target audience if you run a restaurant that serves a certain area of a city.

You may display your adverts to the groups you choose based on characteristics like age, gender, interests, education level, and income thanks to demographic targeting. Demographic targeting will be quite helpful for you if your company is in an industry that only appeal to a particular clientele.

Demographic targeting, for instance, enables you to launch a PPC advertising campaign for highly educated males between the ages of 40 and 60.

Contextual targeting enables you to display your ads to customers based on the context of the websites or pages they are visiting. This form of targeting could be advantageous if you want to connect with people who are looking for a certain category of goods or services.

For instance, if you offer camping supplies, you could want to target buyers with ads on websites regarding camping, hiking, or other outdoor activities.

In conclusion, contextual, regional, and demographic targeting are important PPC advertising options that may assist you in reaching certain demographics and achieving your marketing goal.

Benefits of targeting the right audience in GDN

One of the most critical points to boost the performance of your GDN ads is to reach the right target audience. When you deliver your ads to the right target audience, you will be visible to the users who can be most interested in your products and who will complete the purchasing process.

Placement exclusion in Google Ads will significantly increase your conversion rate and website traffic. At the same time, Google Ads placement targeting will of course have an impact on your advertising budget.

By targeting the right audience, instead of spending money on people who will not be interested in your ads, you can use your budget efficiently by spending point-blank budgets.

The integrity of your brand and reputation may also be maintained by avoiding locations that are irrelevant. Your brand may receive a bad reputation and reputational harm if your advertisements are shown in inappropriate places.

It can create the appearance that your company doesn't care about its customers or isn't serious about its marketing efforts if, for instance, your adverts are displayed in a place that isn't linked to your organization.

How does excluding unrelated places affect conversions?

On conversions in the Google Display Network, eliminating irrelevant ad placements can also have a big influence (GDN). The particular websites, mobile applications, and other digital platforms where adverts are shown to users are referred to as ad placements.

Even though the Google Ads placement targeting offers a wide range of ad placement possibilities, not all of them will be applicable or efficient for every marketing campaign. Setting targeting specifications that restrict ads from being shown in sites that are not likely to result in conversions is the process of excluding irrelevant ad placements.

You may increase the relevancy of your adverts and make sure that viewers who are more likely to convert see them by removing irrelevant ad placements. For instance, if you offer camping gear, you could decide against placing ads on fitness-related websites and applications since those people might not be interested in gear for physical activity.

Due to the adverts being displayed to people who are more likely to be interested in the item or service being offered, the conversion rate may increase as a result.

Google Ads placement targeting may have a big effect on conversions. You may decrease wasted ad expenditure and raise the general efficacy of your advertising efforts by focusing the campaign on pertinent ad locations.

Due to the adverts being displayed to people who are more likely to be interested in the item or service being offered, the conversion rate may increase as a result. Also, by eliminating irrelevant ad placements, the campaign's total ROI may be increased. This is because more accurate targeting usually results in a lower cost per convert.

How to get a GDN campaign report

The first thing you need to do to step into the magic world of heybooster is to register.

In the second step, click on the Integration title from the left panel and connect the data sources with heybooster.

In the third step, click Insight Categories and run the Cost Optimization package.

It's that simple. Insights are now available to answer your PPC budget questions!

Now is the time to boost your performance using heybooster! Sign up and embrace the journey!


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