This is Nesly, head of product at heybooster. We have updates based on your feedback.
A quick reminder we have a discovery group where we talked about the next features of heybooster. If you would like to be part of the journey, just reply to this message.
This week’s changes
Catching the all changes as a manager and controlling them on a daily basis is hard. As one of our most requested features, we believe it helps you to view all the changes that happened last seven days.
Throughout the week, the "This week's changes" part stays on your dashboard and shows the insights whose priority has changed.

Check out the changes on your account!
Channel Based KPI Tracking; Tag Your KPI Card
You have told us how KPI tracking helps you to predict the end month and always be on track. Based on your feedback, we improved the KPI tracking part. Now you can tag your KPI card and filter out accordingly.
You can give the preferred tag to your KPI cards such as Social Ads or Affiliate marketing so that you can find easily the KPI Progress on your specific tag.

Try it for channel-based KPI Tracking!
Multiple Reports on an Insight
Some of the insights make you think and create more questions in your mind. Now in heybooster you see additional reports in some of the insights. For example, if you have a sudden revenue drop on your accounts, which channel does the drop happen to? Just click the second tab.
Hint. if you did not find what you are looking for, let us know by clicking the ‘+’ sign and adding your request.

Next Integration: Shopify!
heybooster is now integrated with Shopify to help you to analyze Google Analytics, Amazon Ads, and Shopify together. If you would like to learn about your repeat customer changes monthly and what effect the changes have, be our guest as a beta user!
heybooster is growing!
We were on the stage in Techchill!! Most of you are with us since the beginning (thanks again😻), hope you feel our excitement, let's grow together!