heybooster content writing projects

General SEO
1 min read
Şahin Seçil
Sep 1, 2022

In this article

Hey team,

It's good news for you. Again, we're doing pay-per-content. Also, our insights will mention your name, which means you can use it as a referral for new projects.

Here is an example of content published by Charu. Thanks, Charu!

https://insight.heybooster.ai/google-data-studio-vs-heybooster/ We are looking forward to content related to the following headline;

  • Why should Shopify users use AI analytics solutions?
  • Shopify Analytics & Reporting FAQ
  • Most popular e-commerce marketing reports
  • Automate your paid marketing reports with heybooster
  • 20 Insights to effectively increase your conversion rate for an e-commerce

The next steps are;

  1. Choose the idea you are most familiar with.
  2. Share the outline with estimated keyword counts and pricing by replying (Be specific to show you're eager for this job)
  3. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Thanks all 🤟🏻

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Until then, for the love of data.


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