Best Glew Alternatives (Comparisons & Reviews)

6 min read
İsmail Atasoy
Feb 3, 2023

In this article

You made the decision to understand the data and selected a data analysis tool to help you to stay ahead of the eCommerce race. However, it appears from the fact that you are reading this post that the data analysis tool you selected is not particularly effective in directing you.

Of course, properly analyzing your company's marketing success and taking the appropriate steps are essential. Since you probably won't be able to recognize your accomplishments and mistakes if you don't compare your current circumstances to your past, retrospectively.

The data analysis tool you use must, however, be flawless in every way if you want it to be of assistance. You must maintain a rhythm in the realm of eCommerce, where dynamics change swiftly.

To help you get the ideal data analysis tool, we will explain Glew alternatives to you in this post.

Best Glew alternatives to try out


You don't have to travel far to find an alternate solution; heybooster is right here! If Glew is unable to successfully help you in improving your business's marketing performance as a whole, heybooster is ready to help you!

So why heybooster?

1)   Fast processing time

Unlike many other tools, heybooster does not make you wait long while processing the data. You can access the data you want with just a few clicks. In this way, you can do your analysis faster and you will not waste time.

In fact, you can use the wasted time creating the data you want while using Glew in different ways thanks to heybooster 😊

2)   Anomaly alerts

With its Anomaly Notifications, heybooster keeps you informed. Continuous tracking is a must for you in the ever evolving and expanding eCommerce sector. You won't lag behind changing dynamics or Google algorithms thanks to this functionality. Such a process would be extremely time-consuming to carry out manually. heybooster will immediately inform and warn you when there is a change to your data in order to prevent this scenario.

3)   Revenue growth opportunities

heybooster pinpoints the problems that are keeping your products from performing to their maximum potential by assigning a performance score to them based on a number of defined metrics. The more successful your company's promotional strategies are, the more revenue you will make.

The effect on revenue should be considered while determining whether to choose heybooster. Numerous marketing teams prioritize upgrading underperforming products while ignoring ones they believe are currently working well. However, you may fully unlock the potential of both profitable and unsuccessful products by using heybooster.

These are obviously only a couple of the advantages of heybooster. heybooster has helped to build a number of success stories and is ready to help you accomplish yours as well! If you're looking for a Glew substitute, you should definitely give heybooster a chance.

Now take the first step to embark on a journey to success with heybooster!


Heap is one of the tools for digital analytics that provides a detailed picture of your customers' digital experiences, allowing you to increase conversion, customer satisfaction, and engagement very rapidly.

Analyze user interaction

It is critical in your eCommerce journey to be able to accurately analyze users' interaction with your website. In this way, you can satisfy users by creating the best strategies. When we examine the user reviews, we can see that Heap is quite successful in this regard.

No technical knowledge required

Many tools that are popular today can be overwhelming for users with their maze-like systems. Therefore, Heap will satisfy you with a simplified interface and usage.

Easy to interpret dashboard

Customers using Datapad may create personalized dashboards and reports that are designed to meet their specific needs. Users may select from a range of visuals, such as bar charts, line charts, and pie charts, to produce reports that are engaging, dynamic, and easy to understand.


Watch your customers

We're talking about literally watching them! By watching video recordings of your visitors' sessions, you can understand their interaction with your website. Be sure, seeing this will help you in many ways.

Set up funnels

Mouseflow, which allows you to set a funnel to understand where and when users drop, will be very useful for you. This will make it easier for you to understand your users.


Many users say that they found Mouseflow quite easy after using a technical tool like Google Analytics before. Data analysis will be easier than before thanks to Mouseflow.

Why might you look for Glew alternatives?

Due to its various features and effective performance, Glew is used by many marketing teams and data analysts. However, users aren't entirely pleased with Glew since there are several areas where it still falls short.

1)   Not wallet-friendly💸

The majority of consumers mention cost as one of the unfavorable circumstances. Of course, this is not an issue for businesses with a major share and a strong brand. However, the marketing departments of relatively small enterprises claim that they receive little reward for their investment. Users desire price optimization for this reason.

Due to the lower possible consumer base and thus lower profit margins for small firms, this request can be met as usual. As a result, after investing large sums of money in a data analysis tool, the return rate they receive from it would undoubtedly be minimal. Users seeking for Glew alternatives are those who are unable to obtain the desirable money amount they seek.

2)   Technical problems 🖥️

Looking at the user comments, it is clear that many people believe Glew to have numerous benefits and to be an effective tool overall. They do, however, point out a few areas where it falls short technically.

For instance, they note that it takes a long time to analyze information when gathering it from several data sources when they want to perform a detailed comparison. Of course, an eCommerce marketing team's extended waits while processing data are in no way pleasant. Because of this, it is clear that most users desire Glew to be quicker.

3)   Metric variety📉

Metric variety is a feature that consumers desire but are unable to discover in Glew

One of the most desired features by many marketing teams is this problem, which drives customers to search for Glew alternatives. Being successful in the realm of eCommerce requires more than only measuring the most well-known indicators. Although Glew makes an effort to provide a variety of analytics, it is clear from user comments that there are several areas where it falls short.

Because of this, marketing departments could miss possibilities for revenue development. Because distinct metrics might assist a marketing team in developing various plans to suit their requirements.


Because of this, not all users may find Glew to be perfect, despite it being a popular and free tool for creating interactive reports and dashboards. Some clients could want more advanced collaborative features, stronger security and administrative tools, more affordable pricing, or improved data integration and flexibility. These additional functionalities might be offered by Glew alternatives.

Congratulations on making the right choice if you choose heybooster from our list of Glew alternatives!

You have taken a step toward improving your company marketing performance by joining the heybooster community.

You only need to enter the portal to transport to heybooster's magical world.


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