6 Things to Do If Your Shopify Traffic Is High but There’re No Sales

9 min read
İsmail Atasoy
Dec 16, 2022

In this article

When everything is going well but your low Shopify conversion rate is standing in front of you like a Middle-earth monster 😱

You are not alone! Even the biggest eCommerce brands face this monster from time to time. However, what helps them to successfully defeat this boss is their magical swords, strongest shields, and dark magic, as well as their marketing team that knows very well how to get out of this situation.

Don't worry, when we tell you about the strategies these successful marketing teams use, you will be able to face the boss with confident steps and increase your Shopify conversion rate. Then sharpen your swords, we're on a journey!

1)Have Clear CTAs

Now it's time to act like a king who wants to destroy a monster that is plaguing his country! Just as a king speaks confident words to encourage his soldiers, you must give some encouragement to the users to complete the purchase😊

For your Shopify store to convert more customers, you must have clear calls to action (CTAs). The buttons or links on your website that direct visitors to the next step are known as CTAs. An example of a CTA would be "Add to Cart" or "Buy Now" on your product page.

Making CTAs as simple and straightforward as you can is the key to success. Be careful not to use terms that are unclear or ambiguous. Use language that directs the client to take action by using action-oriented phrasing. For instance, on your product page, consider using "Register now" or "Get the coupon now" instead of "Learn More."

Additionally, it's essential to ensure that your CTAs are clear and simple to identify. Use colors and design elements that will help them stand out and position them prominently on your page. As a result, your clients will be more likely to see the CTAs and perform the necessary action.

Your CTAs need to be appealing in addition to being obvious and straightforward. To persuade your consumers to act, use engaging language and establish a sense of urgency. A CTA that offers, for instance, "A Limited Period of Time Deal" or "Fly, just a Few Left in Stock!" could be used to persuade people to buy something before it's too late.

2)Think about Your Buyer Persona

Since we've opened up about swords, mages, and monsters, let's dig a little deeper. Using your imagination and thinking about the audience you are addressing can enable you to create live-blooded characters like Tolkien's works. Or let's call it a buyer persona😊

Your buyer persona is an essential consideration when attempting to increase the conversion rate of your Shopify business. Taking into consideration their characteristics, interests, habits, and motivations, buyer personas are in-depth portraits of your ideal clients. You may better appeal to and resonate with your target population by optimizing your shop and marketing activities by knowing your customer persona.

You would want to concentrate on emphasizing the comfort and simplicity of use of your items if, for instance, the customer persona you are targeting is a youthful, urban professional. You can also want to demonstrate how your goods might increase their productivity and save them time. On the other hand, if your buyer persona represents a group of consumers that are more concerned with protecting the environment, you may want to highlight the energy efficiency and sustainability of your items.

You can provide your consumers a more customised and exciting experience by identifying your buyer profile and customizing your shop and marketing campaigns appropriately. This may assist improve credibility and trust, which will raise conversion rates.

As your business and target demographic change, it's also crucial to periodically examine and update your buyer persona. You may gradually increase your store's conversion rate by remaining aware of the wants and demands of your clients.

3)Track Your Metrics

Remember, knights who don't understand what they did wrong in previous battles will probably hesitate to raise their swords in new battles. That's why situational assessments and retrospective analysis are always helpful. 😊

Regularly measuring and evaluating metrics is an essential part of raising your Shopify store's conversion rate. You can learn a lot about the condition and effectiveness of your shop by monitoring important metrics like traffic, bounce rate, cart abandonment rate, and average order value.

For instance, if you see that your traffic is growing continuously but your conversion rate is not, this may indicate that something is wrong with the checkout process or user experience of your shop. On the other side, if you observe a high rate of cart abandonment, this may be a sign that there are obstacles or friction points stopping clients from making their purchases.

You can pinpoint areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance your shop and boost your conversion rate by monitoring and analyzing your metrics.

Wondering what the most important metrics to track are? Then let's take a look together!

4)Do Remarketing

Now imagine you are a blacksmith forging swords for knights lining up to defeat the most feared monsters of Middle-earth. Although the knights may know you, it may be useful to hang small posters from time to time explaining what opportunities are available in your blacksmith shop😊

Remarketing is the act of displaying advertisements to customers who have already engaged with your business, such as by visiting your website or adding things to their shopping cart.

You may remind potential consumers about your items and persuade them to finish their purchases by employing remarketing. Customers who may have abandoned their shopping carts or otherwise showed an interest in your items but have not yet made a purchase may find this to be very successful.

Remarketing can assist boost the total ROI of your marketing efforts in addition to raising your conversion rate. You may enhance the probability that they will convert and lower the cost per acquisition of new consumers by focusing your advertising on people who have previously proven interest in your products.

5)Give Detailed Info About Refund Policies

We are not sure if refund policies are in place in Middle-earth, but we are confident that those who offered refunds definitely had success😊

The conversion rate of your Shopify business may be increased by, among other things, making your refund procedures clear and comprehensively accessible to your customers. Due to uncertainty around the return and refund procedures, many buyers are reluctant to make online purchases. You can ease these worries and gain the trust of potential clients by outlining your rules in clear, thorough detail.

On your store's main page and product pages, for instance, you should offer comprehensive information regarding your return and refund procedures. This can contain details regarding the requirements for customers to get refunds, the amount of time it takes to process refunds, and any applicable restrictions or limits.

6)Focus on User Experience

If a knight says that his sword was broken in half at the most critical point, it's probably time to review your blacksmithing skills😊

For your Shopify store to increase conversion rates, the user experience needs to be improved. A good user experience may boost consumer trust and credibility, which can increase productivity and profitability. To enhance the customer experience on your Shopify store, follow these crucial steps:

  • A user-friendly and simple-to-use website is a must. This includes having an easy-to-use search bar and filtering options, as well as a menu for navigating the site that is simple and straightforward.
  • Give precise and comprehensive product information. Customers want to know precisely what they're purchasing, so be sure to include clear product descriptions, high-quality product pictures, and any essential details like size, materials, and cleaning guidelines.
  • You should get client feedback. Encourage consumers to rate and review your items, and then utilize their comments to enhance the shopping experience at your business. Be prompt and professional in your response to any unfavorable comments, and take into account any adjustments to your shop in response to client ideas.
  • Maximize your website's loading time. Customers may become frustrated with and even leave their shopping carts on a website that takes a long time to load. To evaluate your website's loading time and make any required adjustments, use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights.

How to Detect When Your Shopify Store Gets Traffic but There Are No Sales

Now that we've talked about the important points you need to implement in order to defeat the boss and save your kingdom, now it's time to locate this monster exactly. The person you need is someone who will provide you with all the details of the area and the location of the monster completely automatically. Besides, you're not always going to track where the monster is! This person should notify you immediately when there is any change. Yes, we are talking about the bravest and most knowledgeable guide in Middle-earth, heybooster 😊

With heybooster, you can access your Shopify conversion rate report and make the necessary improvements. Moreover, if there is any change in the data, heybooster will notify you instantly and keep everything under control. Let's see how you can easily get your Shopify conversion rate report with heybooster!

1) To choose heybooster as your guide on this long journey, the first step is to register.

2) In the second step, click on the Integrations title on the left and connect data sources with heybooster.

3) In the third step, click on Insight Categories and run the Revenue Growth Opportunities package.

4) Then click Popular products that have a low conversion rate.

It's that simple! You can now detect products with a low conversion rate despite having a high clickthrough rate. Don't forget to click Set a Notification to get notified when there is any change in data!


To sum up, although having a low Shopify conversion rate is a cause for fear for many, if you take the necessary precautions, there is no need to worry. You can easily overcome this situation by analyzing users correctly and optimizing your website.

Now choose heybooster as your teammate and embark on a new adventure!


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