What's the gap that makes you behind in your goal?

General SEO
2 min read
Şahin Seçil
Dec 23, 2021

In this article

After weeks and weeks of furious campaign planning, strategy & operation, you finally make it ready. Choosing top products to promote, preparing visual content, hours of work to copywriting, and of course budget allocation. And now it is time for counting dollars.

There is just one problem - who will track everything is going as it is planned?

Now it is time to deal with this hard part.

Track Progress and be Proactive

Tracking how the campaigns are going and moving the needle on that KPI is crucial to have continuous growth. It is not only essential to catch the part we failed but also helping us to highlight the real work done, the success.

What's the gap?

Don't be mad at your team when you see the red label on your KPI card, the aim of tracking KPI is to realize fast and get action. So, What's the gap that makes us behind in our target, what's the obstacle that stops us from achieving our target or getting behind?

So long story short, watch this quick video to find out how you can utilize heybooster to track KPIs and find insights to improve that KPI.

If you need a hand to set up and want to review the analysis together, I'd like you to meet with Neslihan, who is our digital analyst and co-founder, love to find insights.  Let's do it together!


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