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General SEO
3 min read
Şahin Seçil
Feb 7, 2022

In this article

Partner program to generate more revenue from your content and help digital marketers grow.

If you’re a content writer

Our newsletter is subscribed to by almost 8.000 marketers. It is our pleasure to share your articles on our blog pages as well as in our newsletter with your name.

We will also promote this content with paid social media on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Revenue sharing: Each post will link with your partner ID. If anyone starts to use heybooster after reading your content, you’ll earn %100 of the first month's subscription fee, which is between $99 and $499. (In the long run, you'll make money for your old content as well)

Content ideas: You'll be invited to our Trello board that includes the ideas with a content brief. Pick one idea and start working on it; our senior executives will help you to bring your best to the table!

Q: Are you promoting the contents on other websites?
Yes, if you wrote a good post and you think it can help heybooster get a lead, we promote your websites too.

If you run a blog, webinar, YouTube channel, etc...

If you think our content would interest your audience, share it with your partner ID. If anyone signs up to use heybooster, you'll also earn %100 of their first month's fee.

Do you not have a partner ID, or do you have better ideas? Feel free to reach out to me at


Q: Why don't you pay based on the content?
A: Creating qualified content is tough! But also distribution is tough too. For each content, we're doing payment for a content writer, marketer, and Google, Facebook, and Quora ads platforms. That's why it's a highly expensive operation.

We want to be at the same page with our partners, build quality content and have a long-term relationship that benefits them when they start using heybooster.
Q: Is there a full-time position available for content writing?
A: We are looking for a junior content writer who will support our partners and marketing teams in their efforts.
Q: Will I get credit for my work?
A: Yes, you will credit for your work. Your name will be listed as an author.
Q: Do you want to pay me monthly or per content base?
A: We'll make payments monthly.
Q: How long (word count) should my articles and how many should I write?
You earn when users sign up and become users. There is no pressure, if you create more, you have a chance to earn more.

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