The Impact of Product Page View

1 min read
Neslihan Emikoglu
Jun 25, 2021

In this article

Let's face it! The solution is not to double your ad budget and get more traffic. You need to catch the attention of your customers and engage them.

During the search, your customers are looking for the best products that fit their needs. They are always hunting and being hunted online by your competitors. That's why showing more products which may relate to their taste is always a good idea.

Product List Sample

The product view per session is a key metric for making decisions over channel and landing page performance. Here is my last experience from one of heybooster accounts. We discovered one of the most visited landing pages has fewer product views per session and so lower conversions.

After this insight, I also checked out the other account and saw the same pattern. Encourage the users to see more products helps them to decide and convert.
If you'd like to learn more about the insight, follow the hashtag #100GrowthInsights

Until next time, take care 👋


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