17 Landing Page Insights for E-Commerce Revenue Growth

8 min read
Neslihan Emikoglu
Apr 28, 2022

In this article

Your e-commerce website generates dynamic content based on the user's behavior. And when the users are searching for the products on your e-commerce website, they can use site search, filters or promoted pages like you. But the point is who is checking your pages performance indicators (KPIs)? What if they bounced off your promoted pages and you lost of buyers just because of weak pages?

Your landing pages should harvest your marketing and sales strategies. In this article we'll focus how to level up the all those pages performance easily. (Your time is limited, don't waste time on searching Google Analytics reports. Use ready actionable insight reports)

Here are the top actionable insights that heybooster helps you to level up your landing pages your conversion rate.

1) Most converted e-commerce dynamic pages

Most converted e-commerce dynamic pages insight point out which page you are getting traffic from the paid advertisement. If your most invested page converts, that's great. But mostly there are things like stock issues, pricing, product details, etc.

Let's give an example on Toy Street;

This is one of the link from "boy toys for 1 year old" search result. They can choose to drive better landing pages instead of the out of stock page.

2) Changes of the conversion rate

Pricing competition, stock issues, trends, your marketing campaigns even your competitor marketing campaign strategies... all the things affects your pages performance.

heybooster shows you exact landing page that you need to check out. For this example "Nike Air Max" and "Nike Running Shoes" started losing conversion dramatically.

3) Conversion rates up

In this situation, data-driven brands can recommend new products to boost the conversion rate. Having an idea of what products convert the highest is a big help in understanding how product preferences have changed and your users' preferences. One of the simplest but most effective steps is to promote on marketing channels products that convert better than those whose performance is in decline.

Let's notice changes and take actions for changes.

4) Hiding landing pages

Marketing channels like Google ads, Facebook, Criteo, etc.. help us to promote our products & services. And when you define most converted pages, you can use these channels to get more users.

But usually, things don’t go as planned and you lose some marketing channels. Take a look at the screenshot.  Most converted product page C-529685 is listed on Google ads and social, but not on Google organic and Criteo 😱

5) Time spent product pages

Some products are better than others, but all products have an impact on a user's decision to buy or not. That's why you should keep an eye on how well the most viewed products are performing on your site.

Let's make sense of those metrics together;

If product pages have high conversion rate, and high product detail views;

  • Isn't it awesome to have such products on your product pages? People like these products and they convert well. Use them in social media campaigns, display, search, shopping, retargeting ads, your choice.

If product pages have high detail views, high average session duration, high page views, and low conversion rates;

  • This is partly a good thing because these users still like the product, but they're looking for a reason to buy it on the product page. More reasons are needed to convert the user, both visuals and detailed explanations. Otherwise, they'll disappear on other pages.

If product pages get lots of conversions but have low product views;

  • In this case, everything seems so clear. You definitely need more marketing for these products because when you show these products to users, they want to buy, which is really valuable for your audience. If you can make it more visible then, conversion rates might increase.

If product pages have a low conversion rate but a high average session duration;

  • It is important to identify from which channel these visitors are coming. If they tend to buy from you, the content of your products, descriptions, images, and prices sometimes cause users not to buy. Focus on improving these products pages.

6) Align your ads with your landing page

At least the product is three clicks away from the homepage. That’s why your homepage's fine for navigation, but it's not good for Google ads. When the users click on the search results, in other words, when you paid for a click, the user should gets to what they were looking for in one click. Otherwise they bounced like you can see from the results below.

7) Marketing campaigns aren't relevant to prospects

Sometimes, landing pages are related but the marketing channel isn't right for the landing page. In that case you need to look at your marketing campaigns targeting. Why the users bounce? Maybe they're not your prospect buyers so don't target them.

8) Your stunning product pages & do it more!

Do not focus only on your bad cases and also best cases teach you what you do well and how to do it more!

9) Search landing pages organic traffic

We don't want to list with unorganized pages, but when they get a good position you should decide. Would you like to organize these unorganized pages or hide them from Google organic result?

10) SEO dublicate landing pages

First step to organizing your landing pages for SEO, to define unique title and description. Having duplicate contents can confuse Search Engines and harm your SEO visibility.

* https://www.contentkingapp.com/academy/duplicate-content/
* https://moz.com/learn/seo/title-tag

11) The number of landing pages by campaigns

Google may stop showing your products in ads, you forgot to update the Product feed, or your Merchant Center might just stop working.

In all of these situations, your shopping campaigns will not work efficiently. When you look at your shopping campaigns' performance at the end of the day, you will have the damage caused by your inefficient shopping campaigns. (We are talking about the high CPC spending to get impressions of your campaign where you couldn't earn revenue.)

In such cases, we have developed an alert system that informs you that the number of product pages displayed during the day in your campaign is decreasing. By analyzing your page daily, you will see how many product landing pages your users have reached on a campaign basis.

12) Products that haven't sold in the past 30 days

If you have an extensive product feed, it can be challenging to control individual products. Products' data can help you for problem detection and development. Sometimes a result-oriented report, rather than a complex analysis, can save you more time. For instance, a simple report about your products you have not sold in the last 30 days, for example. Suppose you know which product landing pages cost a certain amount of money but have no conversion in your ads. In that case, you can optimize your budget and figure out minor problems that led to your higher revenue. If such products do not have a stock problem or there is nothing that broken the transaction measurement in google analytics, here are some points you should check;

  • The product description lacks important information or includes incorrect information
  • Any negative remarks on the bottom of the product will be a negative effect on potential customers.
  • If product images aren't that look appealing.

13) Not-set landing pages

Landing pages help us drive visitors to do what they want. If they want to order a Margaritha pizza, send them straight to the margarita pizza pages, not the homepage or any other pizza pages. It makes sense and is manageable.

What if your landing pages don't provide the correct information? Seeing in this report "(not set)" is the most critical obstacle to seeing the results of all your efforts like the example below?

There are 1.500 users from Facebook ads but they don’t know which landing page works better 👀

14) The weaker product listing pages

The shopper comes to your e-commerce site to find the best products for their needs. During the research period, they look at multiple e-commerce sites at the same time. If you want to keep them away from your competitor's site, user can able to get all the information from your website.

In that case, a listing page report helps you find weak pages by showing the count of product page

15) Keep the non-interesting stuff away

Your store's inventory keeps growing and non-interests inventory keeps growing too. It ruins the user experience and conversion rate. Your users are surfing through uninteresting pages, leading to the assumption that your whole products are bad.

Let's look at the insight. There are 1.000 products not added to basket. Why do you still keep and show up?

16) Highest CPC

Google ads considers your landing page and keyword relevance and the reason is simple. Google helps people find high quality content.

I cannot say that high cpc landing pages show you that pages have less relevance but I recommend to check the keywords and content quality that can reduce cost per click.

17) The most invested landing pages

Last but not least, here's something I'd like to share with you (not too urgent, but you might find it interesting)

Some of your landing pages are getting higher traffic than the others. It's normal for popular brands or categories, but if you're serious about it, you can build landing pages with more specifics.


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