Top 10 Reasons for a High Cart Abandonment Rate & Ways to Reduce It

11 min read
Bengü Demirtaş
Mar 28, 2023

In this article

Are your customers leaving your eCommerce online store with full shopping carts without completing their purchase? If you are dealing with add-to-cart but no sales on Shopify issues, don’t worry, we are here to help you. There could be many reasons why your customers are abandoning their carts. With a few small steps and with the help of heybooster weekly and monthly reports, you will figure out the issue in no time. But first, let’s see what the problem could be.

Mandatory Account Creation

You must avoid smothering your visitors with forced account creation at all costs. One of the most common reasons for high cart abandonment is mandatory account creation. It’s a bad move to interrupt the purchase process with an additional account creation step and it definitely pushes your customers away! 😳

What to do?

What you can do instead is to allow guest checkout. This way, your customers will be able to complete their purchase without being interrupted with account creation and will be more likely to leave your website satisfied.

This, of course, may halt your collection of customer information and prevent you from reaching out to future customers. We have a way for that too! 🤓 You can always ask for their information once they have completed their purchase. For example, a confirmation step post-purchase would allow you to collect the necessary information without interrupting the check-out line.

Insufficient Customer Reviews

If you have ever shopped online, you know that most people add to cart first and think second 🛍️. Your customers are doing the same! Most of the time, users add the products of their choosing to their cart and then, they start to think more in detail about whether the product in their cart will sufficiently fit their needs.

Once the product is in their cart, your customers will start asking more specific questions. “Would this be compatible with things I already own?”, “How close are the photos to the actual product?”, “Will this size fit my needs?” etc.

Without customer reviews, your users will be more likely to give in to their worries and abandon their carts without completing their purchase.

What to do?

The best way for your customers to appease their worries is to read other customers’ experiences. Customer reviews are almost like your badge of trust 🥇. If you have positive customer reviews, new users will be much more likely to trust your products.

Entice your customers to leave a review upon purchase to start building a portfolio of positive customer reviews. Take criticisms into account to improve your customer experience. Collective user approval will render your products more desirable and trustworthy in the eyes of your customers. 😉

Lack of Product Info and Photos

If you have not sufficiently optimized your product pages, this could be causing your customers to leave without completing their purchase. Do you have high-quality images of your products? Have you written enticing, detailed product information sections that will convince customers to buy your products?

What to do?

If you are not confident of your product pages, optimizing your images and product information texts is the best place to start! ✏️ Having photos of your products from multiple angles, displaying images that correctly show your products’ dimensions, presenting images of the color/model options is crucial for better conversion rates.

Confusing and Insecure Payment Process

Creating trust is the most important part of making sure your customers are completing their purchases. Payment security is at the top of the list of your list for creating a trust bond with your customers 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

What to do?

If your checkout page has design flaws, missing images or outdated information and layouts, your customers may get a feeling of insecurity during the payment process. Placing trust seals and showing the security compliances that you follow during the checkout procedure will help reduce your cart abandonment.

Delivery Issues

When we buy something we want to get hold of it as soon as possible 🏃 Customers will be more likely to respond to fast delivery and no shipping fee during the checkout process. This is why a long delivery time and unexpected shipping fees may deter customers from completing their purchases.

What to do?

Instead of displaying the shipping fee only at checkout, give all the delivery information upfront on the product detail page. This way, the surprise element at the checkout process will be eliminated.

If you can, try to minimize any extra costs related to delivery. If this is not feasible, another way to avoid customer apathy due to delivery costs is to add them to the product cost. A tiny may go a long way to keep customers interested.

If possible, try to give different shipping options. You can even offer quick shipping for customers who are willing to pay additional fees so that you do not lose customers due to long delivery times.

Overpriced Products

The thing about online shopping is that finding alternatives is so much easier than traditional shopping. This means that if your prices are inflated compared to the industry average, your visitors will abandon their carts and will not return once they find better-priced alternatives.

What to do?

You must be aware of your competitors’ prices! Always be on the lookout for any possible changes in pricing and the industry average and make sure your prices are not too much above or below the average.

Do what your customers are likely doing and compare prices through price comparisons 🕵️. See how your products hold out under fierce price analysis. If you find that your prices are a bit too above or below average, try to see if there is room for change in your pricings.

If you are worried about your selling costs to sales ratio, see if there is anything you can do about reducing your expenses to sustain lower prices for some time.


Are you keeping track of your inventory? Last minute stock problems and limited product availability might be causing your customers to abandon their carts.

If a specific size, color, model etc. of your product suddenly appears out of stock your customers may be likely to never return for restockings as they will start looking for alternatives elsewhere. Another thing to make sure of is that you are not displaying google shopping out of stock items so that you are not spending on ads for out of stock products.

What do do?

Keep track of your inventory like a greedy pirate! 🦜 Make sure that you know which items high demand and stock accordingly. Create monthly and weekly projections to have a rough idea of how your stock will hold out for your customers.

Of course, doing this manually all by yourself will be a huge waste of time. Using a tool that projects your monthly and weekly stock information based on your past sales and stocking habits will make your life considerably easier.

But what kind of tool are we talking about exactly? 🤔 None other than heybooster, of course! Heybooster will alert you of any sudden drops in your inventory. This way you will always be prepared for unexpected rises in demands for your products!

Lack of Coupons

For a shopper, a good deal is always alluring 😊. A considerably large segment of customers will always be on the lookout for the best deals possible. This is why sometimes your customers will add a product into their shopping cart and then they will embark upon a search for coupons and deals across the web.

If your deals and coupons are not readily available to your users on your checkout and/or product pages, your customers may become distracted during their coupon search and forget about their cart altogether.

Sometimes customers will use coupon web extensions to find out your offers without leaving the website. If you don’t offer any deals, they might be likely to never return for checkout once they leave.

What to do?

Alerting customers with abandoned shopping carts about deals, sales and offers through email remarketing would be a great start. However, keeping them hooked while on the website is much more effective since some of these customers may not return despite your email offers.

You should target your offers and discounts towards customers who may be more likely to convert due to a good deal.

Return Policy Issues

A good return policy means better conversion rates! But why? 🤔 More than half of online shoppers say they are more likely to spend more on products with generous and trustworthy return policies.

If your return policy is too strict and/or limited, this may be affecting your shopping cart abandonment rates. Shoppers feel safer in their online purchases if they know they can return it without issues.

What to do?

Make sure you display detailed information on your return policies on your product pages. Return policies that charge customers for each return may be very unfriendly towards hesitant customers. Try and keep your return policy free of charge if this is feasible for your eCommerce business.

What to do?

To figure out if free of-charge return policies, you may need to track your return costs for a while. What percentage of your sales end up being returned? How much does the return cost you? You will need to track your sales and refunds as well as shipping costs for a bit to make sure you can afford a free of charge return policy.

You must be wondering: Will you have to delve into countless excel sheets to keep track of all this? No worries, heybooster has your back. heybooster will track your monthly shipping and return costs and present you with an accurate and easy-to-understand analysis.

Lack of Mobile-Optimization

If you are an eCommerce store owner, you know how important mobile optimization is to your conversion rates. This is especially true for cart abandonment reduction. Mobile cart abandonment rates are almost 15% higher than desktop averages. This means you should be extra careful about the optimization of your mobile shopping cart.

If your mobile checkout page design is not practical, if customers are having trouble navigating through your mobile payment processes, it may be time to look over your mobile optimization situation 🛠️

What to do?

Customers are more likely to do their product research on mobile apps and jump to the desktop to complete their purchase once they have decided on their product. This means that your mobile design should be as attractive as possible.

Make sure your trust seals, customer ratings and support contacts are visible on the mobile version. If you can succeed in gaining the trust of your visitors quickly, you will be more likely to convert customers through the mobile app without them redirecting to desktop.

Unfortunately, visitors are more likely to be distracted from their purchases on mobile due to the push notifications. This means you have to be prepared for possible interruptions in your mobile version. You can retarget users through email marketing.

How to detect the root cause of shopping cart abandonment?

Now you know why your shopping carts are being abandoned and what you can do to decrease your abandonment rates. But how about the details? Where should you start? With heybooster deciding where to start is not a problem!

heybooster will do more than giving you one time reports and leaving you to fend for yourself. With heybooster, you will get weekly and monthly automated reports to optimize your shopping cart and inventory. With heybooster’s eCommerce out-of-stock report you will be notified of the issues in your inventory strategy immediately. Check out our blog post on how to get out-of-stock reports in minutes with heybooster!  

  1. First, team up with heybooster by signing up here! 🤸
  2. Next, integrate your eCommerce store data with heybooster to make sure you get the most accurate insights. Click on integrations on the bottom left panel. Then click on data sources and connect with heybooster. Don’t worry, all data sources are all in one page. No need to get stressed out among countless tabs!
  1. Once you are connected head to insight categories. Then click on Revenue Growth Opportunities.
  1. Next up, click on The most abandoned products in the cart. Here, you can see which products are added to cart but abandoned without purchase. Set a notification to be alerted of any changes of abandoned products!

Most abandoned products may be related to your inventory. Make sure you are not spending ads money on out-of-stock products. Head to this blog post to figure out how to manage your ads when you go out of stock.

As we have seen, cart abandonment can have several reasons. Most of these reasons can be remedied by a bit of tinkering. Decreasing cart abandonment rates can seem overwhelming with all the possible problem points racing through your mind. heybooster will be your best friend in this process through its anomaly alerts and insights into your cart abandonment data. With heybooster, figuring out the problem points and coming up with suitable solutions is will be a cakewalk 🍰

Start your journey with heybooster! 🚀


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