How to Improve Product List Performance With Google Analytics?

5 min read
Bugrahan Saka
Mar 20, 2023

In this article

You invest in SEO, PPC campaigns, or any, and another marketing effort for making your products more visible. That's great!

Promoting product lists is a good way for getting more attention.

Google Analytics is a very common and accessible way to keep control performance of your product lists. But working with complex product list reports in Google analytics and acquiring meaningful analysis requires a lot of effort and know-how.

This can be a little bit annoying, but don't worry. We got heybooster!

How to get product list performance report

Heybooster is a fully automated and simple solution for keeping under control the product list performance.

1) The first thing you need to do to join heybooster is to sign-up!

2) In the second step, click on the Integrations heading on the left and connect the data sources with heybooster.

3) In the third step, click Insight Categories and run the Product Performance package.

There are many packages available at different verticals in heybooster. For keeping under control your product lists performance.

heybooster will analyze all of our product list performance data within minutes.

With the chart at the top of the results page of a product performance package, you can see a quick overview of key metrics about product views, and you can tell where you should do more digging.

You can see and filter actionable insights about the performance of the product list by scrolling down the product performance results page.

You can also get notifications whenever there is a change in your data. All you need to do is to set the notifications!

How to identify low-performing product lists for optimization opportunities in Google Analytics?        

There are two ways to identify low-performing product lists for optimization opportunities in Google Analytics;Using the Attribution reports, you can analyze which products and marketing campaigns bring the most valuable users to your website. Then, you can dive into the affected product lists to identify problem areas that need improvement.

For a more targeted approach, you can use custom reports in Google Analytics. These reports can be tailored to show only high-level metrics for specific product lists. From there, you can dive into individual product pages for more in-depth analysis.Identifying the low-performing product lists is not so easy.

In order to identify and fix these low-performing product lists, requires serious technical expertise and effort are required.But you do not have to worry, fully automated and simple solution Heybooster is here for identifying the low-performing product lists.
Join heybooster and start to identify the low-performing product lists!          

How order of products in a product list may impact performance?        

If you place products in a particular order in your product list, it is likely that you will see different results regarding how your visitors perform on your website.Generally speaking, it is a good idea to place the item that you are highlighting more prominently at the head of the list.

Although, it is also extremely important to analyze how visitors interact with each product and to make sure that there are no major differences between all products that are likely to affect both the page performance and the overall usability of the site.

Detecting impact of the order of products in a product list on performance is not so easy. In order to detect and fix these anomalies, serious technical expertise and effort are required.You do not have to worry, fully automated and simple solution Heybooster is here for detecting impact of the order of products in a product list on performance!                
Join heybooster and start to detect impact of the order of products in a product list on performance!        

Why you should compare product performance across multiple product lists in Google Analytics?        

There are many reasons why you should compare product performance across multiple product lists in Google Analytics. One reason is so that you can see which products are performing well and which may need improvement. Another reason is so that you can make informed decisions about how to market and promote your products. Additionally, comparing product performance across multiple product lists can help you identify trends and see how your product offerings may be evolving.

The information that you glean from comparing product performance across multiple product lists can help you develop a strategy for improving your products' visibility and appeal to potential customers.Another benefit of comparing product performance across multiple product lists is that it can help you better understand the total reach of your product offerings within your target audience. This is important because it can give you an idea of the potential growth potential for each of your products.

Additionally, it can help you determine which products may be best suited for expansion or additional marketing efforts. Comparing product performance across multiple product lists can also help you identify which of your products are most likely to be purchased together, which can be helpful when developing marketing campaigns or creating user-navigation menus on your website.

Comparing product performance across multiple product lists actually is not so easy. Detecting and fixing these anomalies requires serious technical know-how and effort.You do not have to worry, fully automated and simple solution Heybooster is here for comparing product performance across multiple product lists.              
Join heybooster and start to compare product performance across multiple product lists!


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