How to Get Traffic Channels Report in Google Analytics 4?

7 min read
İsmail Atasoy
Feb 17, 2023

In this article

Traffic channels in eCommerce can be as unpredictable as the traffic on the highway during rush hour. You never know which one will bring in the most customers, just like you never know which lane will move the fastest.

Sometimes you might take the paid advertising lane, hoping to speed past your competitors, but end up stuck in a virtual traffic jam.

Other times, you might take the organic traffic lane, cruising along smoothly until a sudden algorithm change slams on the brakes.

No matter which traffic channel you choose, it's important to understand its pros and cons to make sure you don't end up like a confused tourist on a roundabout, going in circles with no idea where to go.

So let us guide you on your trip in the eCommerce world!

How to get traffic channels report in Google Analytics 4

When considering tools for data analysis in the eCommerce sector, Google Universal Analytics is one of the first that comes to mind. Google Analytics 4 is ready to replace it, though, and will do so gradually.

Despite having many improvements, GA4 still has the same problem. It is incredibly difficult to understand!

Naturally, many marketing teams will use GA4 for data analysis in an effort to increase efficiency. The major difficulty, though, is that Google Analytics 4 uses the same complex foundation as Google Universal, which is essentially exclusive to it.

You surely feel lost if you haven't taken a GA4 course or training before.

You might need to watch a few YouTube videos in order to navigate this maze: ( Also, since your needs may vary from time to time, you will encounter a new problem every time you want to perform a new data analysis. No, try it if you like if you believe we are exaggerating :)

You should undoubtedly search for a data analysis tool that is far more understandable in every aspect and that you can use without any prior technical knowledge. You don't have to go very far, however, to discover this tool. Heybooster will soon arrive!

Using heybooster, you can quickly and conveniently get your traffic channels report. And unlike Google Analytics 4, you won't get a sense of being lost in a maze. Without the requirement for technical knowledge, heybooster is ready to increase your marketing success!

Of course, you won't be able to get by with just one report. Because being able to swiftly respond to dynamics requires being aware of changes in the data as soon as they occur. heybooster immediately notifies you whenever any data changes. You never lose power as a result.

How to get the traffic channels report in heybooster

  1. The first thing you need to do to join the magic world of heybooster is to register.
  2. In the second step, click on Integrations on the left panel and connect data sources with heybooster.
  1. In the third step, click Insight Categories and run the Traffic Channels Insight package.
  1. And it's ready! You can now access detailed reports on traffic to your website.

Now is the time to boost your performance using heybooster!

The importance of understanding traffic channels in eCommerce

Visitors can discover and access online e-Ecommerce stores through various platforms and sources. These platforms and sources are called Traffic channels. These channels include social media platforms, paid advertising, search engines, email marketing, and affiliate marketing.  Traffic channels help businesses to reach their target audience and improve the overall performance of their company.

For example, businesses can track the performance of each traffic channel by using data analysis tools. They can learn about the number of visitors, bounce rates, and conversion rates. Such information can help a business identify which channels bring the most efficient traffic so that they can adjust their marketing strategy and allocate their budgets more effectively.

What are the traffic channels

Traffic channels refer to the platforms and sources which online visitors use to discover and access eCommerce stores. These channels are incredibly important components in eCommerce for any business because of their role in driving traffic to a website and converting them into customers.

The types of traffic channels and their cons and pr

There are many types of traffic channels, and each has their own pros and cons. Understanding and planning accordingly with those advantages and disadvantages of each channel will help businesses to find out a more effective marketing strategy to get the best result.

Organic Traffic: Visitors that find an eCommerce store through search engines are called organic traffic. This traffic is seen as a high-quality one because visitors are searching for services or products that are related to the business. One downside of organic traffic is that it can be difficult to optimize a website for search engines as it takes time and effort, and any change in search engine algorithms may have a negative impact on this traffic.

Paid Advertising: Do you place ads on search engines and social media platforms for your business, we call it paid advertising. The advantages of paid advertising are better control over targeting an audience and faster results. However, while it can be costly, ad blockers and ad fatigue might hinder the effectiveness of ads.

Email Marketing: To drive traffic to an eCommerce store, sending promotional emails to subscribers is called email marketing. The benefits of email marketing are low costs witch high conversion rates. The downside is, a large subscriber base is needed for it to be efficient, and the risk of subscribers marking your emails as spam will impact it dramatically too.

Social Media Marketing: This channel involves promoting an eCommerce store on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. The positive sides of this channel include the ability to reach a larger audience and build awareness of your brand. The downside though, is that visibility of your posts can be reduced by the platform's algorithms. Also managing a social media account can sometimes be quite time-consuming.

Affiliate Marketing: Partnering with other websites or individuals in order to promote an eCommerce store is called affiliate marketing. You can reach new audiences with affiliate marketing, and what’s even better is, you only pay for successful conversions. It can sometimes be slow and it might be difficult to find the right affiliates at times considering the high commission rates of some partners.

How do traffic channels work?

The traffic channels work in different ways. Organic traffic happens when the website is optimized for a search engine by finding and using relevant keywords and creating better quality content that will appeal to an audience naturally. The eCommerce store will appear in the search results when a visitor searches for related keywords on a search engine.

Paid advertising works by placing paid ads on social media platforms or search engines. By doing so businesses can target a more specific audience with different interests, behaviors, or even demographics. When the users click on the advertisement, they are directed to the eCommerce store.

Email marketing works by sending promotional emails to a subscriber list. Businesses can create compelling offers and personalized content to engage subscribers and drive traffic to their eCommerce store. This traffic channel can be highly effective as it targets an audience that has already expressed interest in the business.

Social media marketing involves promoting an eCommerce store through social media platforms. This can involve creating engaging content, engaging with followers, and running paid ads. When users interact with the content, they can be directed to the eCommerce store, which can lead to increased traffic and sales.

Affiliate marketing works by partnering with other individuals or websites. The affiliate partner creates content for you, like social media posts, blog posts, or a video, where they promote your eCommerce store and receive a commission for every sale generated through their content.

Impact of traffic channels on eCommerce sales

The impact of traffic channels on eCommerce sales is significant because they drive online visitors to an eCommerce store and increase its visibility. The impact can vary depending on the channel and its compatibility with the marketing strategy.

While organic traffic leads to higher conversion rates and increased sales, paid advertising generates high-quality traffic that is more related and more likely to convert. Email marketing engages subscribers to drive more sales, and social media marketing increases visibility to drive even more traffic to the store.

Affiliate marketing can reach new audiences while also generating traffic. By using a combination of traffic channels, businesses can generate a more successful marketing strategy.

By allocating the budget on the correct channels and finding the ideal audience, businesses can maximize their return on investment and avoid wasting resources.

How to measure the success of traffic channels in eCommerce

Measuring traffic channels in eCommerce is essential to track the performance of each channel and optimize marketing efforts. Here are some common ways to measure traffic channels in eCommerce:

heybooster: heybooster is a perfect tool that tracks website traffic, including the sources of traffic. E-Commerce businesses can monitor the performance of each traffic channel and track key metrics such as the bounce rates, conversion rates, and number of sessions.

UTM Parameters: UTM parameters are tags added to URLs that track the source, medium, and campaign name of each link. E-Commerce businesses can track the effectiveness of each marketing campaign and traffic channel by using UTM parameters.

Conversion tracking: This involves tracking the number of sales and finding out which traffic channel brings more form submission or newsletter subscription, so that the business can determine which traffic channel is the most effective in sales.

Heatmaps: Heatmaps are visual representations of where users are clicking or scrolling on the website. Businesses can identify which contents and channels are more effective throughout the entire website.

A/B Testing: This involves creating different landing pages and marketing campaigns to test and see which one performs better, so that a business can identify the ideal combinations to get more traffic and make more sales.

How to optimize traffic channels for better performance

Optimizing traffic channels is more important than utilizing themes, they need to be adjusted to improve their performance. Here are some key steps to take:

Identify your top-performing channels: Start by tracking the performance of each of your traffic channels. You can use analytics tools to identify which channels drive the most and least traffic, engagement, and conversion.

Set goals for each channel: Once you have identified the top and least performing channels, set specific goals for each one based on the business’s objectives. For example, you may want to improve the click-through rate on your social media posts.

Optimize your content for each channel: Tailor your content to each specific traffic channel to maximize its performance. Maybe optimize your blog content for SEO, create visually appealing posts for social media, and use targeted messages in your email marketing campaigns.

Continuously test and refine your strategy: Monitor the performance of each traffic channel on an ongoing basis and try out different strategies to find the best combination for maximized performance.

Allocate resources based on performance: Once you have identified the top performing channels, spare more resources for them, and reduce the investment in underperforming ones. This way you can maximize the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing campaigns.

Best practices for each traffic channel

Here are some best practices for each of the major traffic channels:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Find the keywords that are high-volumed and the most relevant to your content or product.

Optimize the website structure, find better page titles, meta descriptions, and headers to include your target keywords and make it easier to be found on search engines.

Create high-quality, original content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience.

Build high-quality backlinks to your website from well-known sources to improve your website's domain authority.

Monitor your website's analytics to track your search engine rankings so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Use targeted ad copy and keywords to create relevant ads that users are more likely to engage in.

Use ad retargeting to display ads to users who have interacted with your website before.

Optimize your landing pages to align with your ad copy and encourage conversions.

Monitor and adjust your ad targeting, budget, and bidding strategy to optimize performance and maximize return on investment (ROI).

Social Media Marketing

Use different content formats, including text, images, videos, and infographics, to create engaging and visually appealing posts.

Use hashtags and targeted messaging to reach your desired audience.

Respond fast and kindly to comments and messages to build intimacy, engagement, and customer loyalty.

Use social media analytics to track engagement metrics and adjust your strategy as needed.

Email Marketing

Segment your email list based on customer behavior and interests to create targeted messaging and improve engagement rates.

Use a clear, attention-grabbing subject line to encourage recipients to open your emails.

Create visually appealing emails with clear calls to action to encourage conversions.

Monitor your email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to track performance and adjust your strategy as needed.

Referral Traffic

Build relationships with influencers and other businesses in your industry to generate backlinks and referral traffic.

Create high-quality, original content that is likely to be shared and linked to by other websites.

Monitor your referral traffic sources and adjust your strategy as needed to focus on the sources that are driving the most traffic and conversions.


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