How To Get Assisted Conversions Report In Google Analytics 4

5 min read
İsmail Atasoy
Jan 15, 2023

In this article

Have you ever wondered what exactly is contributing to your website's conversions?

While it's easy to focus solely on last-click conversions, it's important not to overlook the role of assisted conversions in your overall business performance.

Assisted conversions can give you a deeper understanding of the customer journey and help you optimize your marketing efforts accordingly.

In this report, we'll dive into the details of assisted conversions and how you can use them to boost your conversion rates and grow your business. 

How to get Assisted Conversion reports in Google Analytics 4?

Well, since we've seen the details that assisted conversions can help you boost your overall business marketing performance, let's take a look at how you can track it!

When it comes to data analysis in the eCommerce world, one of the first assistants that comes to mind is Google Universal Analytics. However, it is now preparing to gradually leave its place to Google Analytics 4.

Although there are many innovations in it, GA4 still contains the problem that exists in Google Universal. This is so complicated!

If you haven't taken a course or training on GA4 before, you probably feel like you're in a maze. You may need to watch many different Youtube videos to get out of this maze.

If GA4 is so complex then what should you do?

Of course, you should find a data analysis tool that is much more simplified in every sense and that you can use without requiring technical knowledge. But you don't have to go far to look for this tool. Here comes the heybooster!

With heybooster you can get your assisted conversions report very quickly with just a few clicks. Moreover, you will not feel yourself in a labyrinth as in Google Analytics 4. No technical knowledge required, heybooster is ready to boost your marketing performance!

Lets see the how to steps with heybooster!

1) The first thing you need to do to join heybooster is to sign-up!

2) In the second step, click on the Integrations heading on the left and connect the data sources with heybooster.

3) In the third step, click Insight Categories and run the Conversion Rate Insights package.

4) Then click on the Assisted Conversions report.

5) That's how easy it is to get your assisted conversions report using heybooster!

What are assisted conversions?   

Assisted conversions are interactions that lead to conversions. However, unlike regular conversions, they are not the main factor that drives the conversion. For example, conversion occurs when a visitor clicks on a link or signs up for a mailing list. Assisted conversions are the name given to other interactions on the path that bring users to this stage. In other words, all interactions that lead a user to conversion are called assisted conversions.        

What is assisted conversion value?    

Assisted conversion value is the name given to the total value of assisted conversions. According to Google's definition, “Assisted Conversions for a given channel counts all conversions in which that channel was a non-last interaction. Assisted Conversion Value is the total value associated with those conversions. As as result, double-counting can occur across rows or across assisted and last conversions. If two conversions occur for a single person, any channel interactions which were in both conversion paths count toward both conversions.”      

Why are assisted conversions important?       

One of the points that many marketing teams overlook and do not focus on enough is not tracking assisted conversions. Of course, it is important to monitor the conversion rate directly and try to increase it. For this, you can create new strategies in accordance with different dynamics and provide better performance. However, the point you should not forget is that the points that will take your visitors to conversion are assisted conversions.

Being able to analyze the impact of different marketing channels on final conversion is critical. Tracking assisted conversions allows you to do this analysis.

So maybe there are points you need to improve. Let's take a look at what you can do to increase your final conversion rate now!

By tracking assisted conversions, you can identify your strengths on the path that takes users to final conversion. Thus, you can obtain insights about the details that are missing and need to be developed in this path.

Let's illustrate why assisted conversions are important with an example!

Let's say you have a Google Ads campaign that leads to many assisted conversions even though it doesn't drive the final conversion. In this case, we cannot say that your marketing performance is bad. Because these assisted conversions help increase brand awareness.

At the same time, a high number of assisted conversions also indicates that you are promoting products that are relevant to users' search intent and may be of interest to them. However, the reason why the final conversion was not provided may be that you did not sufficiently persuade the users.

Assisted conversions also help you compare different ad campaigns. For example, you can consider the number of visitors who interact with and converted to your Facebook Ads campaigns. Thus, you can analyze how much different campaigns attract users and to what extent they benefit them.

If an ad campaign generates more assisted conversions than others, then you can increase the budget you spend on this campaign and boost the final conversion rate.            

So, it is time to join heybooster!


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