How To Keep Under Control Frequency Of Facebook Ads Campaigns?

İsmail Atasoy
Oct 7, 2022

In this article

If you haven't read anything about this topic before or if you haven't had a bad experience with the frequency of Facebook ads, we hear you ask the question "Hey, what's wrong with increasing our visibility by showing our ads more?" But while the idea of ​​being more visible to your users by increasing your ad frequency sounds good, things are actually not that simple.

Advertisements are used for many different purposes such as attracting more visitors to your site, creating potential customers, creating a user network. However, the high frequency of Facebook ads can have many negative consequences for you. For example, users who see the same ad too many times may report this ad as spam and hide your ad. As a result, your ad may not perform as desired and the results may be disappointing for you. Another negative result is that the ads that are seen by the users with a very high frequency become known by the users over time and are no longer an interesting advertisement for them. This causes users not to interact with the ads, which again prevents you from achieving the performance you want.

Therefore, keeping the frequency of your ads under control and checking regularly will have a positive effect on your business marketing performance in general. Let's take a look at some details about Facebook ads frequency that you absolutely need to know.

How To Detect Facebook Ads That Have High Frequency?

The first method that comes to mind to detect high frequency Facebook ads is to use the Facebook ad panel. However, trying to detect this situation using the ad panel can become quite demanding and complex. It can also intimidate you a bit by wasting a lot of time. So trying to detect this situation manually can be a very tiring process for you. That's why heybooster is the helper you need! Thanks to heybooster, the process of getting information about Facebook ads frequency, which is tiring and time-consuming, will be in front of you on a single screen. Here are the steps that will make everything easier for you!

1) The first thing you need to do to choose heybooster as your most important assistant on this long road to success is to register with heybooster.

2) Secondly, connect heybooster with your Facebook Ads account by clicking on the Integrations title from the menu on the left.

3) Thirdly, click on the Insight Categories title on the left and run the Facebook Ads Performance package.

4) Choose Facebook High Frequency insight in step four.

5) And now everything is ready! With heybooster, it is that easy to access relevant data with Facebook Ads frequency.

What Is A Good Frequency For Facebook Ads?

There is actually no Facebook ad frequency figure that we can say for sure the best for your business. Because this situation can actually vary for each industry, and a figure that works in other industries may not work for your industry. However, in an article published by Facebook on effective frequency, it is explained in a study that one or two ads per week are seen to be much more effective for brand and business performance in general. It is mentioned that with the frequency of advertisements in this range, it is up to 80% more effective in generating leads and increasing sales. However, Facebook also mentions that this situation is seen in companies with large market share and high base levels of brand awareness. So actually it is not possible to be completely sure that this will definitely work for every company. This is a system where you can understand which frequency is better for you by progressing in a controlled manner over time.

How To Reduce Frequency Of Facebook Ads?

1) Focus on only interested people

When users see your ads, they either ignore your ads or interact with them as two options. Interacting users become valuable potential customers for you, and you start the process that will turn them into real customers. But for users who don't get in touch, there are two things you can do. Either you will try to attract the attention of users again by making content and visual innovations in your advertisement, or you will focus on new targets without effort. If you ask us, the second option seems much more logical because even if you make improvements in terms of visual and content, there is no guarantee that you will be able to attract users who were previously uninterested. However, creating ads for new people to create new potential customers will be a much more reasonable and more profitable strategy.

2) Create Custom Audiences

Users who know you and your products do not want to see your ad constantly. Instead of encouraging them to buy products from you again, this may cause them to turn away from you. That's why creating custom audiences can allow you to focus on users who don't know you. But of course, you should not forget the people who have been your customers before. Instead of constantly showing yourself through ads, you can remind yourself from time to time with a much lower ads frequency. Thus, your advertising campaign will be much more effective. ,

3) Make It Shorter but Catchy

By using shorter but catchy ads instead of ads that only promote your brand and products and that users will see for a long time, you can both reduce the frequency of Facebook ads and attract more users. Thus, instead of using more budget for a longer period of time, you will act much smarter.

But of course, these and other similar strategies may not be enough for you. In such cases, it may be useful to have a tool that can help you in different ways. Here heybooster is ready to boost you! heybooster helps you on how to improve the frequency of Facebook ads with the actioanble insights it will offer you. Thus, instead of spending hours on the screen looking for the right methods, with the help of heybooster, you can learn what the right strategies are and take quick action with just a few clicks. Moreover, thanks to heybooster, you can receive an alert if there is a change in the frequency of your Facebook ads and you can achieve a controlled progress.

How To Limit Frequency In Facebook Ads ?

Of course, the idea of keeping the frequency of Facebook ads in a fixed order by limiting them makes sense, but it is not possible to do this with the Facebook ad panel. But another method to keep ad frequncy in check is to call in heybooster for help. Thanks to heybooster, you can set up an alert to receive notification every time the Facebook ads frequency rises, so you can be aware of frequency changes and take the necessary actions. This allows you to set a kind of frequency limit indirectly.

How To Set Frequency Cap Alert On Facebook Ads?

1) First, click on the KPI Tracking title from the left side menu and select the Create New KPI option.

2) Then select Facebook from the databases you are connected to on the page that opens.

3) Next add Facebook Frequency as the goal.

4) After you set your target here, add filters related to the ad and click the Create KPI button.

5) And everything is ready! Now, every time your ad frequency reaches the target you set, you will receive an alert and you will be able to take action to reduce the ad frequency.

Now, it is time to get stronger with heybooster!


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