Everything You Need to Know about Ads Dayparting

İsmail Atasoy
Jan 27, 2023

In this article

Tired of wasting your advertising budget and not reaching enough users? Don't worry, there is a solution to this. It is Ads dayparting. With Ads dayparting, you'll be able to connect with your customers when they're most likely to be online and receptive to your message. Let’s take a look at the details now!

What is Ads dayparting?        

Google Ads dayparting is the strategy of arranging online advertising campaigns to run on particular days or at particular times of the day. This method tries to connect with customer groups when they are most likely to be online and open to advertising. We can show the example of a clothing store promoting pajama sets in advertisements close to night hours. In this way, the hours that people can search for the most for pajama sets are selected. By contacting potential consumers at the ideal moment and boosting the possibility of conversion, ads dayparting may help eCommerce brands get the most out of their advertising investment.          

How can Ads dayparting increase the effectiveness of online advertising?

By focusing on the relevant audience at the appropriate time, dayparting Facebook ads can improve online advertising's efficacy. You should make sure that your ads are visible to the right individuals at the right time. By doing that you can improve the likelihood of conversions. So, you need to schedule your ads to run at specified periods of the day or week when the target audience is most active and engaged.

For example, you can achieve much better performance with the Google Ads dayparting strategy. Let's say you own a business that caters mostly to white-collar people. There will be no point in showing your ads to these people while they are at work. Because they didn't have time to actively review your website and browse your products. It's just like promoting sunglasses at three o'clock at night😊

Additionally, by only running advertisements at times when they are most likely to be effective, ad dayparting may help you maximize the money you spend on advertising. For example, thanks to the Facebook ads dayparting strategy you may reduce advertising expenses and make better use of your budget by refraining from running ads when the target demographic is less engaged.

What are the best time periods that can be targeted for Ads dayparting?

As you can see from the example we gave above, you can find the most suitable advertising hours depending on your industry and target audience and create your own advertising schedule

For example, you can take a look at the time intervals below to create an accurate advertising schedule.

1) Morning: It should not be forgotten that during these hours, people generally prepare for breakfast or use their phones to go to school or work.For example, it may make sense to promote breakfast foods, coffee, or the materials used to carry food to work and school at these times.

2) Midday: These are the times when people from many walks of life go out for lunch. Therefore, regardless of the industry you are in, it may be one of the right times to advertise.

3) Afternoon: At this time, many people return home from work or school and start preparing for the evening. It's usually when people are in a more relaxed mood and open to shopping.

4) Evening: These are the hours most people use their phones and social media. These people, who usually use their phones to relax and distract themselves after dinner, are quite easy to reach. Therefore, perhaps these are the times when you should pay the most attention to your advertising schedule.

5) Late night: Just like in the evening, many people use their phones frequently before bedtime. But they may not want to do a shopping or browse your ads right before bed. That's why you need to do the right analysis before scheduling late night for advertising.

Implementation tips for Ads dayparting in eCommerce

Define your target audience

Identify the demographics, interests, and behavior patterns of your target audience. Thus, creating an advertising schedule will become much more efficient and simpler.

Analyze data

Use tools such as heybooster to analyze website traffic data and identify patterns in user behavior, such as peak traffic times.

Experiment with different dayparts

If you want to do Google Ads dayparting and you are not sure what time it will be, you can try them all. So, you can see the time when you get the best results and from now on you can act without hesitation.

Optimize for conversions

Conversion tracking will be your biggest help in this process. By measuring the conversion values of your ads, you can generate a performance report so you can make the necessary improvements.

Schedule ads to run during peak times

After these steps, if you have decided on the most appropriate time of the day, your advertising schedule is ready. You can now make your ads visible to users during these hours.

A/B Testing

Test different ad creatives, headlines, and calls to action to see which ones perform the best during different dayparts.

Monitor performance

However, of course, since the dynamics in the eCommerce world are constantly changing, you need to be always in control. You should get an ad performance report to get information about the performance of your ads on a regular basis.

Best metrics for measuring the success of ad dayparting campaigns

Click-through rate (CTR): This measures the number of clicks on an ad divided by the number of times the ad is shown. A higher CTR indicates that the ad is resonating well with the target audience.

Conversion rate: This measures the number of conversions (e.g. sales, sign-ups) divided by the number of clicks on an ad. A higher conversion rate indicates that the ad is effectively driving desired actions.

Return on investment (ROI): The campaign's profit is calculated by dividing it by the campaign's expenses. A better return on investment (ROI) means that the campaign is bringing in more money than it is spending.

Engagement rate: This evaluates how well an ad is performing, as shown by things like video views, likes, and shares. The target audience is responding positively to the advertisement if the engagement rate is greater.

Revenue: This measures the total amount of revenue generated by the campaign. A higher revenue indicates that the campaign is generating more sales or revenue. Google Ads dayparting can be a good strategy to increase revenue.

It's crucial to monitor these metrics over time and compare them with how the advertisement performed on other days and at various times of the day. This can help you discover which days and dayparts are helping your advertising strategy to get the best outcomes.

How can you set up your Ads dayparting?

The answer is of course heybooster! Thanks to heybooster, you have complete control of your ads and dayparting Facebook Ads. If your ads stop suddenly within the hours you set, you can quickly detect it thanks to heybooster.

Let's see how you can easily access this report with heybooster!

  1. The first thing you need to do to step into the magic world of heybooster is to register.
  2. In the second step, click on the Integrations title from the left menu and connect the data sources with heybooster.
metin içeren bir resimAçıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

3.   In the third step, click on the Insight Categories title and run the Revenue Growth Opportunities package.

4.   Then click Show your ads 8 more hours every day to increase your revenue.

metin içeren bir resimAçıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

5.   That's it! Now, thanks to heybooster, you can detect ads that stop working during the day and take action quickly.

By clicking on Set a Notification, you can be notified instantly when there is any change in the data.

Now is the time to meet heybooster!


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